Sunday, March 8, 2009


This week has been a busy week. That might have been noticeable seeing that I haven't posted since last Tuesday. That's 5 whole days. Oh my! The week started with our first March of Dimes speaking engagement on Monday. It was at a business in OKC. They were having their March for Babies Kick-Off event. They typically raise thousands of dollars. I wish them the best of luck. I hope they do well this year.

Tuesday didn't bring with it any preset plans however I've been spending every last moment of spare time trying to get things together for the March for Babies and March of Dimes events. I have to take things in spurts though. When Ryan is awake I really like to try to spend my time with him, and when he sleeps is when I try to do those *extra* things...*my* things. We usually do the house work together though...otherwise I wouldn't get anything at all done.
Swingset project...part 1. The fort is complete. The most important part is finished...the slide.

On Wednesday my mom, Ryan's Nana, had back surgery, so we spent the entire day at the hospital. I must commend my son. HE WAS FANTASTIC the entire day. I couldn't have asked for a better day from whining, no crying...just playing and enjoying life, even at a hospital. Mom's surgery lasted about 3-4 hours. Everything went well. It was a very long day, and we were both exhausted when we finally came home that evening. When I put Ryan in bed that night I noticed he was a little warm. His temperature was 101.2. Ugh.

On Thursday Ryan woke up with a 103 temperature. He felt pretty crummy. I called the doctor. He had no other symptoms other than a coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc. Ryan had an ear infection in his right ear. The doctor prescribed antibiotics. Wade also had an appointment with the doctor. After our appointments we went to the hospital pharmacy to have the prescription filled and while at the hospital we decided to get some lunch in the cafeteria. We stopped to see Nana before we went back home. The rest of that day was spent caring for my sick little boy.
"Hold me, Mama. I don't feel good."

Friday the weather was way too pretty to spend the day inside, so what spare time I had I worked on the swingset. Ryan and I spent much of our time outside enjoying a beautiful spring-like days. I just wish they were here to stay. They're actually predicting a little snow on Wed/Thurs. It's just not right...shorts one day...sweaters and coats the next. Ryan still ran a fever much of the day and felt pretty rotten.

On Saturday Nana got to come home from the hospital, so that morning we went to get her and bring her home. We spent an hour waiting for her prescriptions to be filled at the pharmacy. Ryan still wasn't feeling very well and was still running a temperature of 100+ on Saturday, so much of the day was spent caring for him. He took an extra long nap which gave me some time to work on the swingset some more. I just hate staying inside when the weather is so beautiful. I know I have lots of things to do the piles and piles of laundry. :)

We finally finished the swingset project on Sunday afternoon. We were hoping to go to church that morning, but since Ryan was still with fever on Saturday, we decided it probably wasn't the best thing to expose all the other children at church. Ryan hasn't had a fever all day today though. Hopefully he is just about over this. He's kind of had a hard time with it. This is the first illness he has had a fever for more than just a few hours...much less 3 days! Overall, the day was pretty good. The weather was beautiful; we spent a lot of time outdoors as a family. We spent a few hours with Nana. It was all good.

For all you "City-Folk" I'd like to introduce to you the idea of "Country", and more specifically "Backwards Small Towns". While we were at Nana's house (she lives in city limits) today her neighbor's pig came over to visit. Ryan and I ran outside to pet this big pig. It was Ryan's first introduction to a pig this size, and since he has started really taking interest in what sounds different animals make I thought it was a great time to learn about pigs! Besides...I love pigs. Of all farm animals, they are my favorite. This pig was super nice and extra dirty. Ryan didn't quite know what to think about this giant animal. She stood taller than he, but she was very gentle.

The Finished Swingset!!!


Kim said...

I'm sorry that Ryan had an ear infection:( Ear infections are miserable. Hope your mom's back heals quickly. The swing set looks like tons of fun. I'm sure that Ryan will enjoy it this summer.

P.S. The pig is a hoot! (Sadly I get "small town" humor!)

My2BoysNMe said...

Wooo Wooo! The swing set looks awesome! I love putting things together like that! Tell me, did you have to INSTALL that daddy on the steps or did he come pre-installed??

I didn't know your mom had surgery. Tell her I hope she has a great recovery!

Kristi said...

My prayers are with you! I hope Ryan gets to feeling better quickly. Tell your Mom that I am praying for her and I hope she has a supernaturally quick recovery!
I love that swing set by the way. Can I come over and play? :)

twin power mommy ♥ said...

WOW. the swingset looks GREAT!!!

I wanna get one up in my back yard for my kids.

The ones i like are at Costco. They're pretty sweet.

Sorry your little guy was sicky.

I, too, love pigs. Caitlyn thinks they're the best.
I always wanted a pet pot belly pig when i was little. Caitlyn begs me weekly for a pet pig.

If i aint gettin her a dog, i am certainly not getting her a pig, though! ;0)