Monday, September 20, 2010

Yellow on White

I really don't remember the story that goes with this particular picture, but I'm sure it was a good one.
I have a good bath-time story though. It's one of those "Yep! She's a Mom! story" We were invited to attend church this past Saturday evening with some friends. I made the mistake of telling Ryan we were going to church with our friends BEFORE nap-time. Nap-time went something like this:

Me: Ryan it's time for a rest.
Ryan: No!!!! I need to go see my friends!
Me: Ryan we need to take a rest so we can feel good when we go to church and see our friends.
(Ryan goes to bed)
5 minutes later...
Ryan: It's time to go to church and visit our friends!
Me: Not yet. It's time for a rest.
(Ryan goes to bed)
5 minutes later...
Ryan: It's time to go to church and visit our friends!!!
Me: Go to bed!
(Ryan goes to bed)
10 minutes later...

This went on for quite some time and after about the 5th time he came bouncing out of his room proclaiming his excitement and readiness for going to church and seeing our friends I threw in the towel. Nap-time was a bust.

We needed to leave the house around 3:45 p.m. Around 3 or a little before I started getting myself and the boys ready to go. I ironed clothes and readied myself. Next Ryan was dressed. It was then that I looked up at the clock and noticed we were already running late. I grabbed Evan and began getting him ready for a quick bath. I undressed him down to the diaper and carried him into the kitchen. I unsnapped his diaper and began lifting him into the tub when I looked down. Yellow. Yellow mustardy poop. Yellow mustardy poop all over my WHITE shirt. Ugh! I quickly bathed my little boy. Dressed him. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed the first thing I could find that somewhat matched what I was already wearing. Whew! We left late, but we managed to make it to the Shellem's on time.

Church was fabulous!

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