Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Want To Do Everything I Want to Do...

...and I want to stand! All...The...Time!!!


  • I don't want to eat dirt. That would be yucky, yucky. Then I would have a tummy-ache and a tummy-throat. (Obviously a little confusion but goes right along with the week we've had...sickies and more sickies.)
  • I'm sleepy. (That's kind of one of those "famous last words". You wouldn't be sleepy if you'd actually listen to your mother and take a nap!)
  • I want to do everything I want to do! (No joke! So does the rest of the world. You just discovered the motto of the human race, son.)
  • It feels great! (It sure did...50 degrees with snow all over the ground, but it was the first day we could actually spend outside in I don't know how long.)
  • Please help me do it all by myself. (Well...hmmm...that's not exactly possible.)

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