Thursday, May 26, 2011

Evan is Eleven

Man! I can't believe it but this beautiful boy whom I gave birth to. This awesome little boy with a name that means "God is good". This amazing little boy with baby blue eyes and dark curls is already 11 months old!
At 11 months old Evan is active and wild. He's even showing some signs of strength of will...which is not always a bad thing. He's independent and knows what he wants. He tries to be big and do what all the other kids are doing...
(He just thinks he's big). He picks on his brother often and he's beginning to hold his own when his brother picks on him. Sibling rivalry is already a commonplace in our house. "He's touching me!"

Evan has really started babbling a lot and guess what?! Momma is a common word and it truly seems it is directed towards me and not just babbling noises. still my beating heart! Many times over the last couple days when he has found himself in an unpleasant situation I've heard "Mom-ma! Mom-ma!" He gives me a great big grin when I come to his rescue.
Evan loves animals. Especially dogs. His dog loves him too!
Evan has been "walking" for nearly 2 months now. He's following in his mother's footsteps though...he just won't let go! My mom said I held on to her skirt hem f-o-r-e-v-e-r and just wouldn't let go. Evan just won't let go! He insists on holding on with just one hand to anyone who will offer a finger. He is so agile that he almost runs at times. He just won't let go! that doesn't stop him from going anywhere he wants to go. Everything that moves is fair game for becoming a walker and the walls are just fine for balancing and support.
Because he is so active he seems to already be losing some of that "baby fat" look. We haven't been to the doctor in a few months so I'm uncertain of his weight but I'm not worried. He still takes eating very seriously. He now has 6 teeth unless another one popped through today. He's been cutting 2 or 3 at a time, so he now has 4 up top and 2 down bottom. He uses his chompers to his advantage and he can eat most things. Just yesterday he and his brother each had their own chicken nugget happy meals and they both ate them...all.

Evan is an amazing little boy and I love him more and more every day.

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