Friday, December 24, 2010

NICU Night Before Christmas

This was written by a couple of our friends who work in the NICU Ryan graduated from. I just had to share!

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the NICU house, not a doctor was rounding, not even Dr. Krous.
The fluids were hung in the Smartpumps with care
In hopes that there would not be an infiltration scare.
And momma in her nursin...g bra and baby in it's sleepsack had just settled down for a warm booby snack.
When up on the 6th floor arose such a clatter
I sprang up the stairs to see membranes splattered.
Away in the warmer I flew like a flash
Turned on the suction and prepared to draw a blood gas.
The baby's gestation the mom did not know
So I called for Brooke from A- quad below.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear?
But a twenty-five weeker with only one ear!
With a little butterfly needle, ready to stick
I knew in a moment this pH would make me sick
More rapid than eagles, Dr. Verna and his A-team came
And he mumbled, and shouted, and called them by name
"Now Brooke!, Now Reddy! Now Hunter and Bonnie!"
"On Becky! On Amy! On Richelle and Marie!"
To the top of the hospital, to the front of the hall
"Transport away,transport away, transport away all!"
We called EagleMed, to our team gave a whistle
And away they all flew with the speed of a missile
But I heard them exclaim, as they flew out of sight
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

--Jessica and Jennifer, NICU lifesavers!

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