Friday, April 29, 2011

Serious Shopping

Today I scored big time at some garage sales. I was able to buy 5 (really good) pairs of jeans with cinchable wastes, a pair of shoes, several long sleeve shirts, a couple of short sleeve shirts, a pair of shorts, 4 sets of pjs, a jacket for playtime, a nicer jacket, 2 heavy coats, and a good supply of toys...the biggy being a complete Fisher Price Diego set...all for less than $35. WooHoo! Most of the clothes are for Ryan for the upcoming school-year. The Diego set, although the most expensive individual item, was a great deal and considering the opportunities for creative and imaginative play I just couldn't pass it up.

Ryan took the day of garage sale shopping very seriously. He was pumped and ready to go before going to bed last night. The very first (and best) garage sale we found today he found a shopping cart that was just his size so he took that cart around and meticulously browsed through the toys finding just the right ones and carefully placed them in his shopping cart. When he was finished he rushed his little cart to the trunk of my car. Without me! Oh...and...he forgot to pay. Thankfully the sale was in town and several of my friends were running it and alerted me to the ummm....situation. I called Ryan back and we unloaded his treasures. He was so very proud of his finds. I was proud of him too. I didn't have to keep a close watch on him at that garage sale and was able to browse through everything else without worry. He took it all very seriously and was so very well behaved. (This is a VERY BIG thing for us.) Everyone thought it was the cutest thing in the world to watch him "shopping"...just like me.

Ryan and I shopped with intensity. He for toys and I was on a search for clothes for Ryan (and a new patio set would have been nice.) Evan, however, took a more laid back approach to the whole shopping thing...

1 comment:

mimi and Grampy said...

My Favorite way of spending a morning "Garage Salein!"