Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7: Something Funny

Day 7
Something Funny

With parenting, something funny happens everyday!  Realistically it happens many, many times a day if you'll let it.  Or maybe you just have to stop and find the "funny" in it.  For example, this picture...  The day it was taken I did not think this was very funny at all.  I was less than a week home with my brand new baby boy, Evan.  I was sore, tired and frenzied.  I was still trying to figure out the whole breast-feeding thing and Evan was very picky.  I was trying to just stay afloat as a new parent of two.  Ryan was needy and Evan was needier.  Wade had already gone back to work.

On this particular day I sat Ryan at the table with two pieces of bread, peanut butter and jelly, and a dull knife.  I got him started on making his own sandwich. Evan was soon voicing his need for food too.  I went around the corner to feed Evan.  The doorbell rang!  I jumped up to welcome the home-health guy (ugh!) with home bili lights in hand for my jaundiced newborn.  I walked around the corner to find this! (See picture above).  Ryan wasn't making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but rather a pb&j boy!  Oh my!  I left him at the table and offered a decent degree of threats that he MUST stay at the table until Mommy was through talking with this nice man.  So now I have a slow-talking home health guy, new equipment to learn, a list of papers to sign, a screaming hungry newborn, sore leaking breasts, a new "light box" that I was to leave my sweet infant in all hours of the day and night except during feedings, and a three-year-old smearing peanut butter and jelly on everything!

Funny, huh?!  Yes, it is.  At the  I probably even cried.  But within a few days of this event I was laughing.  Today as I thought about "something funny" for my day of gratitude I found myself looking at everything with a bit more joy.  I laughed more.  I enjoyed everything more.  Did I loose my temper today?  Yep, I did.  Did I love my kids and all their little quarks and silliness a little more?  You bet I did!

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