A story: I got Ryan dressed yesterday and he looked super cute. (You know those days when you find just the perfect outfit and your child goes from cute to super cute.) He was wearing a new onesie and some pants that just happened to match perfectly.
The weather has been much cooler than usual around here this week. We decided to go outside and enjoy the cool weather. I thought to myself, "there's no mud, we won't play in the waterhose, he should stay fairly clean." Boy was I wrong. We have a small swimming pool that we used a few times during those 105 degree days, but Ryan has never really seemed interested in it. In fact on the days we went swimming as a family in our little pool he wanted out as soon as he went in the water. For some reason on this particular day he was interested in it enough to scale the side (don't worry the top ring had lost its air and the pool only had about 3 inches of water). As soon as he stepped in the water his feet slipped out from under him (did I mention it had started to turn green on the bottom...eewww...I know). Down he went and there went his super cute, super clean outfit. Ugh. This picture was his second change of clothes for the day...
Diaper, fully-clothed. . either way he is always super-cute!
My boys use their shirts as a tissue and as a napkin. (Why wouldn't you want snot on your shirt all day?) We go through several changes a day also. It must be a boy thing!
Well that outfit is cute, all the same.
Boys are just destined to be dirty.
My girls never had a hard time keeping an outfit nice/neat/clean...
Eli is in diapers only alot of the time!
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