Saturday, April 10, 2010

Random Thoughts

I was going to post a picture tonight, but when I inserted my SD card in the computer slot it "ate" it! Ugh...frustrating! I hope I can get it out without tearing anything up so I can still the few cute pictures off that card. Oh...the more I think about it the more frustrating it is. Rrrrrr.

I don't have much to talk about really, so here is are some random thoughts as they cross my mind.

I'm 27 weeks today! Hooray! There have been times I really didn't think I'd make it this far, but I'm so grateful to be here and I'm praying for many more weeks.

Today I got to go outside. It was exciting and the sun felt great. It's been 3 weeks since I last felt the sun's warmth. I was a little nervous too because I sure don't want to "mess anything up" and because of that I probably won't go on daily wheelchair outings (even though I have the privilege) but save them for every couple of days. Ryan LOVED it! I could just tell that it was the greatest thing in the world to see his Mommy outside with him for a little while. We went to the Hospital's prayer garden which is a big stone/brick circle with trees surrounding it and benches scattered here and there. Ryan ran round and round the circle then decided I needed to be on the circle so he pushed me to the circle. He had to move me a couple of times saying, "I need to find a place to park," so he *parked* me in different spots.

PT came to visit me yesterday and gave me handout of exercises to do while I'm just laying around. We'll see how that goes. I'm not making any promises.

The food is great here at Mercy as far as hospital food goes, but I'm already getting tired of the rotation of menu items. I haven't had a great appetite the last few days which is good for the hips but not so good for plumping up my little baby.

I've resigned myself to taking something to help me sleep each night. Part of it is because of all the extra/unfamiliar noises. The most disturbing so far has been the couple in the next room who tend to fight until the wee hours of the morning. My heart breaks for their unborn baby. I can't imagine being in the hospital having complications with a pregnancy and spending hours fighting/cursing at the people around me. Oh my.

I'm still working on Evan's blanket. I wish someone would finish it for me. :)

Ryan actually called Evan "Baby Evan" (pronounced more like Edan) the other day. It was a cute and sad all at the same time.

Ryan has reduced the amount of "beatings" he gives Baby Evan and has replaced the belly smacks with super sweet kisses...for the most part.


Rebecca Pepper said...

Send it to me, I'll finish it for you. I have nothing to work on right now. *smile*


Hilary said...

I'm glad you got to go outside :) Praying for you!! Grow baby Evan grow :)

B, E and C's Mommy said...

Praise God for 27 weeks!!! (and your trip outside! I can't even do that and the weather is beautiful here right now) Your attitude and spirit will carry you far into this pregnancy! Keep it up momma!