I'm planning to keep some of both the girl and boy clothes in preparation for any new additions God may choose to bless us with, but I'm also planning to sell some of the clothes (e-bay or garage sale) with all profits being donated to the March of Dimes.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sorting and Selling
I'm planning to keep some of both the girl and boy clothes in preparation for any new additions God may choose to bless us with, but I'm also planning to sell some of the clothes (e-bay or garage sale) with all profits being donated to the March of Dimes.
Friday, February 27, 2009
All About Up
(Pardon my mess...I'm trying to sort through baby clothes.)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
March News
Ryan and I started the day by meeting with a couple of friends from the March of Dimes' office in regards to our responsibilities as the Ambassador Family. I am even more excited now than I was before! We talked a lot about fundraisng ideas. I'm hoping to visit with our local school about having a "March for Babies Week". I'm also planning to visit with the local businesses about putting up posters and buckets for spare change for the March of Dimes. Oh! I'm so excited!
With this honor comes the responsibility of speaking to different groups and organizations about how the March of Dimes has impacted our family. In short...telling Ryan's story. Our first speaking engagement is on Monday afternoon. We will telling Ryan's story during a Team Kickoff Event. I believe it is a Corporate Team. Other opportunities to tell Ryan's story will arise over the next few months and could include anything from TV/Radio interviews to fundraising events to team kickoff events, etc.
Oh...yea...I also got a Mocha Frappuccino from Starbucks as that is where we met this morning. Mmm...mmm. Good!
After our meeting Ryan and I went to Michaels to pick up a few things, so I can make a Mission Board/Story Board for displaying Ryan's story. After that...WE WENT TO THE ZOO! It's been months since we've been to the zoo because of weather and RSV/flu season, but today we just couldn't pass up the opportunity.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Journal Entry
Yesterday Ryan had a fairly good day. We are starting to get into a roller coaster pattern of ups and downs which is extremely exhausting for Wade and I. It's hard to know how to feel. Ryan's O2 concentration needs varied all day yesterday from 30-50%. They are up to 50 bpm on the ventilator rate. The doctor explained that chronic lung diseases begin to manifest themselves around this time, and the ventilator settings often reflect those complications. Ryan's insulin levels were up and down throughout the day, but they mostly were on the high side for which they gave him insulin frequently. The doctor said that it could be a sign of infection and that they had sent the ventilator tube that came out yesterday down for cultures to see if he has any infections. They were also going to do some blood work this morning to look for signs of infection. Ryan gained weight yesterday. He gained nearly 60 grams, and we have been told numerous times that they like to see very small increments of weight gain. Large weight gains in short periods of time indicate fluid retention or other problems. He got his PICC line yesterday. He did well through the procedure. Unfortunately they will not be able to draw blood through the line, so he will still have regular heel sticks. They also said that if he needs to receive blood they will have to put in an additional IV line for that. They took out the IV line that went through his umbilical cord. They started feeding him milk through his NG tube directly into his stomach. He seemed to handle the first feeding well, but the second feeding he didn't tolerate as well. The nurse said the doctor may decide to stop feedings and try again later. He is being fed 1ml over a 2 hour period, and he gets fed every 6 hours. The head ultrasound was postponed until today.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Warm Fuzzies
You know how at times life just carries on. It may be a little chaotic and crazy, but for the most part it's just normal...and good. Life has been good...and normal for a while, but yesterday God reached down from Heaven and decided to bless me with Warm Fuzzy.
Yesterday at about 11:00 a.m. I received a phone call from the March of Dimes Coordinator/Person. I don't really know her title, but to me she is one of the head honchos for the Oklahoma division of March of Dimes. She works directly with the March of Dimes Family teams. She asked me to share my Mission. Unclear of what she meant I asked her to explain. She said she wanted me to share why I got involved with the March of Dimes. I told her it was because of the experiences with my two kids, and did she want to hear the story of my kids. She said, "yes". I said, "now that I can do!" I told her the *relatively brief* versions of both my kiddos and their beginnings. She was in awe. I don't know if she was crying or not, but then she said she felt like God had led her to me and...
Ambassador Family for the March of Dimes this year!!
Do you realize what kind of an honor this is? I get all giddy and excited just thinking about it. This is incredible! I can't think of a better honor...and what's even better is that it's not because of anything I have done. It's all because of God's great blessing through our son, our miracle. All honor and glory belong to Him. Did I mention I'm excited?! We will be getting together for lunch on Monday to discuss what this entails. She mentioned briefly about news conferences, speaking to schools and corporations, and fundraising events.
Journal Entry
Be sure to read the recent posts. I've managed to write quite a few updates over the last 2 days
Ryan extubated, pulled the ventilator off, himself this morning. The nurses warned us that it would probably happen a time or 2. They caught the incident early and put him back on the ventilator within minutes. Today they are going to start feeding Ryan through the tube that goes directly into his stomach. We are excited about this, and are in hopes that he will start gaining weight again with the added nutrition. His ventilator settings have gone up again to a rate of 50. The settings are based on his blood gas readings, but we don't really understand why the ventilator settings keep needing to be increased. His blood sugar has also be running high, and he has needed insulin pretty regularly for the past day and a half. Again, we don't really know what is going on to cause this need, but we hope to talk to the doctor about some of our questions today. Ryan is going to be receiving blood today.
Thank you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray our little Peanut. A lot of things are happening today, and we desperatly need God to touch everything that is being done.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Are You Sure It Wasn't Monday Today?
6:00 a.m.--Alarm!
6:45 a.m.--Took a shower--that has to be mentioned because there are actually days that I'm not able to take a shower until much, much later...like when Wade comes home for lunch and I escape for a quick 10 minute shower.
7:15 a.m.--Ryan actually slept good last night and didn't wake up until about 7:15 this morning which is normal for him.
8:00 a.m.--Turn on phones for work. I made breakfast for the two of us...smoothie for me and a waffle for him. I ate mine. He refused his. I turned on his Praise and Worship (Praise Baby DVD) and called my mom. We visited.
8:45 a.m.--I decided it was time to get Ryan dressed and ready for the day.
9:00 a.m.--Miss Kim from Sooner Start (early intervention) came.
10:00 a.m.--Miss Kim left.
10:30 a.m.-- Time for a rest (aka naptime). I straightened the house, did some laundry, made me an early lunch since we would not be home for lunch. Made Ryan a simple little lunch to take on the go.
11:00 a.m.--Received a very exciting phone call.
11:30 a.m.--Ryan woke up. I'm still on the phone.
12:00 p.m.--Suddenly realize that we need to be on the road...NOW! Finish phone call...so excited, want to call Mom...no time! Change a poopy diaper, husband called, boss called--wanted me to look up some things--did he not realize I was on a schedule (just kidding), loaded Ryan in the car, transferred work phone to cell phone, grabbed purse, locked house, started car, remembered I needed to call husband back, called him on the cell to let him know we were on our way.
12:20--Leave the driveway. It takes a good 30-40 minutes to get to the doctor's office. Halfway there remember that Ryan's lunch is still in the refrigerator. Explain to him we'll stop at McDonald's after his doctor's appointment.
12:50--Arrive at clinic. Call boss and give him his next mission. Walk inside with Ryan and we check in.
1:10--Surprisingly quick they called us back. WooHoo for first appointments of the day (8:00 a.m.) and first appointments after lunch (1:00 p.m.)
1:40--Check out. Pay copayment. Ryan runs off...grabs chains defining a walkway as you enter the clinic and begins to shake violently. Half of the waiting room stops to see what all the comotion is. I shyly grab my sweet boy and turn with an apologetic glance to the receptionist. She nods an "it's okay".
2:00--Stop at McDonald's and order a chicken nugget happy meal with apples and apple juice. He refuses everything except the juice. You've got to be kidding me! Here I was worried that you're tummy's growling and you feel like you're starving.
2:15--Stop at Office Depot to take advantage of a sale...good price!
2:30--Stop at Wal-Mart for a few minor items, one of which I still forgot. One of which was a HPT...negative again. :(
3:15--Start for home but realize we'll never make it without getting gas in the car. Stop at Sam's. Can't find Sam's card. Drive to nearest 7-11.
4:00--Back in town. Stop at Daddy's work. Visit for a few minutes. Daddy says he wants to go out to eat tonight...woohoo I don't have to cook.
4:15--Home again.
5:00--Turn off work phones. I'm glad the business wasn't any busier today than it had been.
5:15--Leave again. Out to eat.
7:00--Home again.
7:30--Start evening routine.
8:00--Ryan is in bed...sleeping. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
As I mentioned before Ryan had his 2-Year-Old well child check today.
The entire time Dr. S was in the exam room with us Ryan was climbing all over everything...over, under, on, off, up, down, around, etc. It was almost a little crazy. Dr. S seemed to enjoy it and even played along with Ryan for a while. He let Ryan use his otoscope and his stethoscope. Dr. S was impressed with how much mimicking Ryan does. For example...Dr. S wears his stethoscope around his neck...Ryan tried to put it around *his* neck to be just like the doctor. Too cute. Ryan put the stethoscope on his heart and his tummy and tried to put it on his back. Ryan used the otoscope to check his ears and check his nose and check his tongue. Today was actually a really fun day at the doctor's office.
After visiting with Miss Kim and Dr. S about Ryan's unusual change in sleeping patterns it was decided that it was a three-fold barrage of things affecting this. 1)He's been sick and needed mommy more during that time. Kids have a harder time switching from one "normal" to another. Since he needed mom more during his illness (one normal) it's taking him some time adjusting back to those feelings of security and not needing mom so much.(new normal) 2)It's completely normal for 2-year-olds to re-enter that separation-anxiety stage...Miss Kim said we'll experience that at least 1 or 2 more times. 3)His routine has been a bit disrupted lately.
Ryan ended the day by running smack into the door to the entertainment center. So much for trying to take some family pictures this weekend. Look at that head!
I will tell you all about my very exciting phone call tomorrow....I'm SUPER EXCITED!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Terrific Two's
One *Stage* (hopefully) we've entered in is one I'll be glad to exit. I hope it's not too tacky to say that. For some reason my perfect little sleeper is not sleeping well at all. For some reason he has been extra clingy and we've had some nights where the only way he is willing to sleep is if he's physically touching me. A couple of nights I've slept on the twin bed in his room. Thinking he would settle with me present in the room was only wishful thinking. He wanted to be touching me, so those couple of nights he slept with a hand or a foot or even his head on my hand or my tummy or my head. You get the point. Now I admit I love, love, love cuddly kids, and since Ryan is usually "mister independent" I've relished (to some degree) this new need for mommy.
The Good:
He has really been fun. He actually wants mommy to play with him. He sits on my lap *all-the-time* wanting to read books...not just one or two but 5, 6, or maybe more. That's been fun. He wants to be near me at all times and enjoys doing everything with me. When I'm laying on the couch watching a movie he wants to lay right beside me and watch the movie too...for a little while then he wants to play with my hair or my face or my ears or something. He fell asleep with his head on my lap today while I watched The Doctor's. I just stroked his little face and head the entire time. He's been giving luv-in's like crazy...coming out of nowhere to hug my leg or put his head on my lips for a kiss. Ohhh I love it. Maybe I'm not ready for this stage to end after all.
The Bad:
I'm tired. I'm trying not to stay in his room and I've even let him cry-it-out (please understand that for me that's synonymous to cursing...I hate it and have never been, never will be a cry-it-out mommy) for very brief periods of time, hoping he will calm down within 5 minutes or so. I respond to him almost immediately when he cries out (again...one of *my* things...I believe it builds trust. If I come when he calls during the day, he needs to trust that I will come at night, too.). Again...I'm tired. He's tired too. Waking up several times a night is tiring.
This too shall pass...and...I'll probably miss it when it's gone.
I'm so excited about all the things he is learning and will continue learning during these "Terrific Two's". Just the other day he learned how to lock the bathroom door. Unfortunately he was inside and we were outside. We knew it was coming. We knew it! He's just about to learn how to work the doorknobs too. There's such a big world for him to discover. It's just so exciting.
Ryan has his 2-year-old well child check tomorrow.
Please, please, please pray for my friend Rebecca. She has a son, named Ryan, who was in the NICU while my Ryan was in the NICU. Our Ryans are just a couple months apart in age. We've become fairly close friends. She is pregnant again and has been on complete bedrest for the past 4 weeks. She is due in July. She is only 25 weeks pregnant and things aren't looking favorable that she will be able to stay pregnant much longer. The doctor has already decided to give her the steroid shots to help develop the baby's lungs. That's usually something that is reserved for when the baby will likely be born soon, although not always. The good news: We know a God of miracles and He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. Please ask...beg...God to do what is necessary to keep her pregnant for a few more weeks. Plead with Our Lord and Creator to bless this family with a baby born healthy and strong...not one minute too soon, not one minute too late. Thank you.
Journal Entry
Ryan had a good day yesterday. He was up and down on his O2 concentration needs throughout the day. He weighed 545 grams which is down from 561 yesterday. The doctors are keeping track of his weight and at this point seem unconcerned.
I actually got to hold my little baby boy yesterday. We did kangaroo care, which is skin-to-skin holding, for about an hour. It was the most precious time. I can't even begin to describe it. I will post a couple of pictures as soon as I can. (For some reason the website today is being a little difficult; I've tried uploading pictures 3 times now with no success).
Today is the day Ryan will have another scan of his brain. Our prayer is that he will once again have no bleeding. I'm not sure when they plan to place the PICC line in, but it could also be today.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Journal Entry
Ryan had a pretty good day yesterday. They went down on the ventilator rate, but a blood gas came back "not good", so they had to go back up on the rate of the ventilator. He has been doing well on just 21-25% oxygen, but for some reason last evening he was needing about 30%. We aren't for sure why he is suddenly needing more oxygen, but a nurse did tell us that it is pretty common for the oxygen needs to fluctuate. Ryan's weight yesterday showed a loss of 11 grams, so he is back down to 1 lb 3 oz. again. This is another thing we are unclear as to why it happened. I hope to talk to the doctor about it today. They took his umblical arterial line out yesterday which we knew was eventually going to happen, but now they have to stick his heel for every blood test. It absolutely breaks my heart. Last night they did a blood gas and during the heel stick he just cried and cried (of course with the ventilator you can't hear him). The nurse ruined the first blood sample, so about 10 minutes later she came back and stuck his little heel again. We had to leave. It was just too hard. He is supposed to have a PICC line inserted sometime soon. This is a type of central line that will start in his arm or leg and travel up and into his heart. I really hope that they will be able to do blood draws from this new line.
Now, I'm going to have to vent a little...Last night our little peanut had a nurse that I 100% did not care for. I left the NICU crying like I haven't cried in a while, and I spent most of the night praying over my son for his protection. Here is why I don't like her...Ryan only has "touch times" (times when we can actually touch him and be a part of his care) every 4 hours. The NICU is "closed" from 6:30-7:30 for shift change. When we went in for the 8:00 touch time we walked in the door at about 7:40 and the nurse had already completed everything except sticking his heel. I was furious. We only get to be there for 2 of his touch times, and Wade only gets to be around for the last 1 at 8:00. I talked to the nurse about waiting for us, and her excuse was the RT was standing there and she needed help. I know that the RT stays all night, so the RT could have come back 15 minutes later. I asked the nurse about his higher O2 settings, and her response was "that's the way it was when I got here." He was satting around 98-100% and ALL our other nurses have made sure to adjust his O2 settings so he sats between 83-93% explaining that higher concentrations can be damaging to his body, especially his eyes. The nurse talked down to us, and wouldn't volunteer any information. When we told her we were leaving for the night she said "ok". I called during the middle of the night. Again she offered no information, and when I finally got her to tell me he was doing fine, I said "thank you". She promptly hung up without saying anything! I don't know if it is appropriate to pray that Ryan NEVER has this nurse again, but I sure hope he doesn't.
Prayer Requests: Please pray that Ryan gains weight, and that we can get some information as to why he lost weight again. Please pray that the procedure for placing the PICC line goes well without any complications. Please pray an extra prayer that God guard him from infection. One of the biggest risks with a PICC line is infection. Plese pray for Wade and I. Our emotions are on a roller coaster. Please start praying about Ryan's ultrasound of his head. This will be happening tomorrow. They will be looking for bleeding in his brain. Pray that we get another good report. Please also continue to pray for Kenzie. Last we heard she was still doing well.
Thank you for all your prayers!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day Baby Girl
Make sure to turn on your sound.
Ryan had a good day yesterday. The doctor has added lipids to his nutrition regimen which is given via IV. He gained about 9 grams and now weighs 573 grams. That is about 1 lb 4 oz. Other than that nothing changed yesterday. It was a good day.
Last night was also good for our little boy. The only thing the nurse had to say this morning was that his blood pressure was running a little low at times and they might start him back on dopamine to help regulate that better. He is so tiny right now that he can't regulate much of anything on his own.
For those of you wondering about Ryan's size get a tape measure out and here are the measurements they took right after he was born:
Weight: 670 g, 1 lb 8 oz
Head Circumference: 21.5 cm, 8.6 in
Length: 31.5cm, 12.6 in
Stomach Circumference: 18cm, 7.2 in
Chest Circumference: 17.5cm, 7 in
Journal Entry
We spent the afternoon and evening with Ryan yesterday. He had a really good day. I got to take his temperature, and I got touch him more than I ever have before. He responds to our voices, and he acted like he was trying to open his eyes when I was talking to him. The nurses say his eyes could open at any time. He is still very positional, and seems to a have a favorite "spot" for the ventilator. His O2 sats fall if it is not in that spot. Ryan's temperature did climb up to 100.5 yesterday afternoon which was cause for a little concern. They did blood work and, thankfully, everything came back normal. They did a lot of minor adjustments to the temperature of his bed, the temperature of the humidified air in his tent, and other adjustments. His temperature came down, but then it came down too far, so they began adjusting things again. It's all a very delicate balance. We were very grateful to find that the temperature was not because of an infection.
This morning we talked to the nurse. She said that Ryan had a good night. He gained another 3 grams. Praises to God for all our good days and our good reports. Today at 5:31 p.m. Ryan will be 1 week old!
Prayer Requests: Please continue to pray for Ryan as God leads you. We don't have any specific requests this morning. Please add to your prayer list a little one named Kenzie. She was born yesterday morning. I'm not sure her gestational age, but she weighed 1 lb. 9 oz. We met the family of this little one about a week ago, and each of our families has been praying for and keeping up with the other. I imagine we will become close friends over the next few months. Please also pray for the nurses and doctors. We have been blessed in amazing ways by the nurses and doctor that cared for me during the 2 weeks I was in the hospital, and we continue to be blessed by the nurses and doctors taking care of our son. God is using these very special people in very special ways, and I want to ask his blessings to be upon them. One last thing, please take to time to give praises to God because he is the Giver of Life and the one through whom all miracles happen!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Table Story
Once upon a time in a quaint little house in a quaint little town lived a Mommy. This Mommy saw a beautiful table one day before Christmas in a great big store. She decided that she would really like to have that table, so she saved and saved and saved and saved. Even her Christmas bonus was saved for that beautiful big table. After Christmas when the presents were all opened and the tree was put away and the days were were more quiet she decided to buy that table. To her surprise, though, when she went to the Big Store the beautiful table was gone! Mommy was very disappointed but she decided to just keep saving and when the time was right she would be able to give her old table away and then she could purchase a new one.
Well...A couple months later on an uncharacteristically warm February day Mommy's sister came and took her old table away. She had a new apartment and needed some furniture, you see. Mommy started looking again for just the right table for her precious little family.
One evening Mommy's mom (Nana) called and said she thought she saw the table Mommy wanted at the Big Store. The following day Mommy, Nana and Ryan went to the Big Store to look at the table. It was *the* table! The one Mommy had been wanting all along. The Big store only had one in stock and after waiting around and even eating lunch at the Big Store Mommy found out that the only one left was a returned damaged table. Oh No!
They decided go to another Big Store across town because that store had 3 in stock. They went and quickly purchased the big, beautiful table and had the store hold it until later in the day when Nana and Donnie could return to pick it up with a pick-up truck. They also bought a box of diapers...you know...just in case. Upon leaving the store Mommy thought about how beautiful the day was and wished that they could go to the zoo for the rest of the afternoon.
They went home and dropped off Nana so she could get Donnie and go back to the Big Store and pick up the table. Meanwhile...a horrible storm unexpectedly popped up and while Nana and Donnie were on their way to the City they noticed it and decided to take shelter in the nearest Target. A tornado came out of that storm and the first place it hit was...you guessed it...the Target. Nana and Donnie watched as the ceiling disappeared!
Fast Forward a couple of hours and Nana and Donnie returned with Mommy's new table. Mommy felt HORRIBLE! She couldn't believe her own mom and Donnie were in a tornado...all in an effort to bring home a table. Ugh. Nevertheless, Nana and Donnie found it to be an exciting adventure and were excited about it all. Now Mommy has a new table for her family and Nana and Donnie have a story to tell all their grandchildren. ...And they all lived happily ever after.
Journal Entry
Ryan has had a good night. He has actually gained 3 grams. This brings us joy to hear he didn't lose any more weight. I pray though that this weight gain is normal. We have been given so many varying opinions on the weight issue that it is overwhelming. The doctor yesterday said she expects weight loss for up to 2 weeks and doesn't want to see weight gain. The nurses have indicated that weight loss for about a week is normal but he should be climbing back up close to his birthweight within 2 weeks. Other doctors have said weight loss for the first few days is normal, but haven't really indicated a time frame for weight loss vs weight gain.
Prayer Requests: Please pray that Ryan will continue to grow. Please pray that God's angels will surround him and God's hands will hold him protecting him in miraculous ways. Pray that he remains free from all infections. Pray that all his body systems will grow and develop normally. Pray that God's will be done, and that His presence be made known.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Journal Entries...From 2007
I've been wanting to put this on the blog for some time...for two reasons. One: so you'll know/remember the beginning. Two: for record keeping. So I am planning to put the journal entries from when Ryan was in the NICU. I'll put the entries up in the order in which I wrote them. One per day. When I was in the hospital I didn't have access to a computer and didn't feel like writing anyway, so my original journal didn't start until about the 16th or 17th of February. I'm going to start adding them today, so they won't end exactly when he came home. Ryan was in the NICU from February 11th to May 11th
Since this is the beginning of this special website (Carepages.com) for our very special little boy I will take some to time to recap all the events up to this point.
January 29, 2007
We went to the doctor to have some things checked out because I had become nervous about the health of the pregnancy. Unfortunately, to our surprise, the doctor found that my body was not holding the baby inside well at all, so he immediately admitted us to the hospital. That evening I had a "rescue cerclage" procedure to help hold the baby inside. We were absolutely blessed with the success of this procedure. The plan was to stay in the hospital from this point forward until our little Peanut was born. Our hopes were to remain for 10 weeks so our baby could reach 32 weeks gestation.
February 10, 2007
Everything has been going well overall. We have had some ups and downs physically, but emotionally we are doing quite well. Late in the evening I began to have some contractions and bleeding. The nurses gave me Brethine to stop the contractions and it worked.
February 11, 2007
The contractions and bleeding have continued. I have been given Brethine several times today, and the contractions stop for a while then start again. Finally early in the afternoon it was decided to move me to the labor and delivery floor and start Magnesium to put a stop to labor. Labor continued despite all efforts. At about 5:00 p.m. it was decided that our little baby was going to be born and a C-section was going to be the safest for him because an ultrasound revealed that he was breech.
At 5:31 p.m. our little Peanut came into the world. He weighed 1 pound 8 ounces and was 12 1/2 inches long. He was at 24 weeks gestation.
February 12, 2007
Peanut has made it through his first day of life. This is awesome. The doctors say he is extremely critical but stable, and we will have to take everything on an hour-by-hour basis.
February 14, 2007
Peanut is doing well. His ventilator settings are set at about 25% oxygen. He breathes above the ventilator at times, and rides the ventilator at other times. His blood gases have been looking good. We received news from the doctor that the ductus in his heart has closed. This is a great blessing since they were giving him medicine to close it, and if it didn't close surgery would be required.
February 15, 2007
Peanut has a real name now. His name is Ryan Andrew.
I have been discharged from the hospital today. It is terrifying to think of being 30 miles away from from my little boy instead of just a 5 minute walk.
February 16, 2007
I was able to spend the day at the hospital so I could be close to Ryan. He has had a good day. All of his statistics have remained within normal limits. He is still positional, meaning his oxygen levels tend to fall when he is repositioned. I was able to touch him during one of his position changes, and he tolerated the change well. I would like to believe my presence made a difference. He has still been losing weight and is now down to 1 pound 3 ounces. I talked to the doctor today, and she said that all babies including tiny premature babies lose up to 20% of their birth weight. She said she would be more concerned if he was actually gaining weight because it would probably indicate he was retaining fluids. We received more good news today. They did an ultrasound of his head yesterday to detect any bleeding in his brain. The results came back normal. Yea!