6:00 a.m.--Alarm!
6:45 a.m.--Took a shower--that has to be mentioned because there are actually days that I'm not able to take a shower until much, much later...like when Wade comes home for lunch and I escape for a quick 10 minute shower.
7:15 a.m.--Ryan actually slept good last night and didn't wake up until about 7:15 this morning which is normal for him.
8:00 a.m.--Turn on phones for work. I made breakfast for the two of us...smoothie for me and a waffle for him. I ate mine. He refused his. I turned on his Praise and Worship (Praise Baby DVD) and called my mom. We visited.
8:45 a.m.--I decided it was time to get Ryan dressed and ready for the day.
9:00 a.m.--Miss Kim from Sooner Start (early intervention) came.
10:00 a.m.--Miss Kim left.
10:30 a.m.-- Time for a rest (aka naptime). I straightened the house, did some laundry, made me an early lunch since we would not be home for lunch. Made Ryan a simple little lunch to take on the go.
11:00 a.m.--Received a very exciting phone call.
11:30 a.m.--Ryan woke up. I'm still on the phone.
12:00 p.m.--Suddenly realize that we need to be on the road...NOW! Finish phone call...so excited, want to call Mom...no time! Change a poopy diaper, husband called, boss called--wanted me to look up some things--did he not realize I was on a schedule (just kidding), loaded Ryan in the car, transferred work phone to cell phone, grabbed purse, locked house, started car, remembered I needed to call husband back, called him on the cell to let him know we were on our way.
12:20--Leave the driveway. It takes a good 30-40 minutes to get to the doctor's office. Halfway there remember that Ryan's lunch is still in the refrigerator. Explain to him we'll stop at McDonald's after his doctor's appointment.
12:50--Arrive at clinic. Call boss and give him his next mission. Walk inside with Ryan and we check in.
1:10--Surprisingly quick they called us back. WooHoo for first appointments of the day (8:00 a.m.) and first appointments after lunch (1:00 p.m.)
1:40--Check out. Pay copayment. Ryan runs off...grabs chains defining a walkway as you enter the clinic and begins to shake violently. Half of the waiting room stops to see what all the comotion is. I shyly grab my sweet boy and turn with an apologetic glance to the receptionist. She nods an "it's okay".
2:00--Stop at McDonald's and order a chicken nugget happy meal with apples and apple juice. He refuses everything except the juice. You've got to be kidding me! Here I was worried that you're tummy's growling and you feel like you're starving.
2:15--Stop at Office Depot to take advantage of a sale...good price!
2:30--Stop at Wal-Mart for a few minor items, one of which I still forgot. One of which was a HPT...negative again. :(
3:15--Start for home but realize we'll never make it without getting gas in the car. Stop at Sam's. Can't find Sam's card. Drive to nearest 7-11.
4:00--Back in town. Stop at Daddy's work. Visit for a few minutes. Daddy says he wants to go out to eat tonight...woohoo I don't have to cook.
4:15--Home again.
5:00--Turn off work phones. I'm glad the business wasn't any busier today than it had been.
5:15--Leave again. Out to eat.
7:00--Home again.
7:30--Start evening routine.
8:00--Ryan is in bed...sleeping. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
As I mentioned before Ryan had his 2-Year-Old well child check today.
The entire time Dr. S was in the exam room with us Ryan was climbing all over everything...over, under, on, off, up, down, around, etc. It was almost a little crazy. Dr. S seemed to enjoy it and even played along with Ryan for a while. He let Ryan use his otoscope and his stethoscope. Dr. S was impressed with how much mimicking Ryan does. For example...Dr. S wears his stethoscope around his neck...Ryan tried to put it around *his* neck to be just like the doctor. Too cute. Ryan put the stethoscope on his heart and his tummy and tried to put it on his back. Ryan used the otoscope to check his ears and check his nose and check his tongue. Today was actually a really fun day at the doctor's office.
After visiting with Miss Kim and Dr. S about Ryan's unusual change in sleeping patterns it was decided that it was a three-fold barrage of things affecting this. 1)He's been sick and needed mommy more during that time. Kids have a harder time switching from one "normal" to another. Since he needed mom more during his illness (one normal) it's taking him some time adjusting back to those feelings of security and not needing mom so much.(new normal) 2)It's completely normal for 2-year-olds to re-enter that separation-anxiety stage...Miss Kim said we'll experience that at least 1 or 2 more times. 3)His routine has been a bit disrupted lately.
Ryan ended the day by running smack into the door to the entertainment center. So much for trying to take some family pictures this weekend. Look at that head!
I will tell you all about my very exciting phone call tomorrow....I'm SUPER EXCITED!
WOW! to hear from you was amazing today. I remember so well the night I found your blog. It was like a light in a REALLY dark place. i couldn't imagine how you lived through all that you have been through but I knew that if you could then I could too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts of hope and even your thoughts of hopelessness. They have changed me!
Kelly Sherrill
With a build up like that, I can't wait to hear the news!
That's really mean ya know... making us wait and all. :)
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