Thursday, February 26, 2009

March News

Today was a great day! For starters...the weather was fantastic! I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. At one point today I wished I was wearing shorts! Can you believe it? Shorts in February?!

Ryan and I started the day by meeting with a couple of friends from the March of Dimes' office in regards to our responsibilities as the Ambassador Family. I am even more excited now than I was before! We talked a lot about fundraisng ideas. I'm hoping to visit with our local school about having a "March for Babies Week". I'm also planning to visit with the local businesses about putting up posters and buckets for spare change for the March of Dimes. Oh! I'm so excited!

With this honor comes the responsibility of speaking to different groups and organizations about how the March of Dimes has impacted our family. In short...telling Ryan's story. Our first speaking engagement is on Monday afternoon. We will telling Ryan's story during a Team Kickoff Event. I believe it is a Corporate Team. Other opportunities to tell Ryan's story will arise over the next few months and could include anything from TV/Radio interviews to fundraising events to team kickoff events, etc.

Oh...yea...I also got a Mocha Frappuccino from Starbucks as that is where we met this morning. Mmm...mmm. Good!

After our meeting Ryan and I went to Michaels to pick up a few things, so I can make a Mission Board/Story Board for displaying Ryan's story. After that...WE WENT TO THE ZOO! It's been months since we've been to the zoo because of weather and RSV/flu season, but today we just couldn't pass up the opportunity.
"Mom, can I be a duck when I grow up?"

"Hurry Mom. We're going to miss something."

"I break hearts. I don't touch big metal kitties."

1 comment:

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Super cute pics of him at the zoo. It's been awhile since i've been able to check blogs.
So so busy helping hubby out at the office. It's hard, now, to have much down time!

I love how you put the slide on the couch. I wish i was more "fun" like that. I am more of a drill sergeant with my kids.

Good luck with the clothes sorting. I LOVE going through the kids' clothes and reflecting on the times when they wore such and such. Usually brings good memories!