Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It was not me who took her son to the Allergy Clinic early one morning and after waiting in the exam room for almost 3 hours began pilfering through all the drawers in hopes of finding something, anything, to entertain her son just a little longer. There was no way in the world that I could have been the one who snatched a couple of exam gloves and began making "balloons" for this sweet, brave little boy. It was also not me who promptly stuffed the stolen goods in the bottom of the stroller when a light tap was made at the exam room door indicating the nurse had returned. Not Me!

After previously mentioned exam that lasted half the day and resulted in numerous needle sticks it was not me who decided that her son was actually in a pretty good mood and instead of making another trip to the City the following morning decided to drag her kid to the portrait studio. Since the pictures were scheduled for the following day there was only a minute chance that a time slot was available in the few hours remaining in the day. It was not me who decided to purchase an outfit for pictures...spur of the moment. Shirt...Toys R Us...$5. It was not me who, after buying this shirt and not finding suitable pants, decided to pick up a pair of shorts at the same store as the portrait studio. It was not me who decided to hang the shorts on her stroller and check with the portrait studio before purchasing the shorts since there wouldn't really be a need to buy them if the pictures would have to wait until morning. It was not me who, when the photographer said, "we have time right now!", asked for a few moments to change his clothes. It was not me who rushed her son to the bathroom and changed him into his new (paid-for) shirt and his new (unpaid-for) pants, washed his face and hands and straightened his unruly-toddler-hair with a splash of water and promptly went back to the studio for the picture session. It was not me who casually went back to the bathroom and changed her son out of his new clothes and hung the shorts on the hanger. It most definitely could not have been me who considered just hanging those shorts back on the rack. Shorts...Sears...$5. It's a good thing the tags were already missing. It WAS NOT ME!

It was certainly not me who thought that giving her son a 1/4-full bottle of water while he sat in his carseat a good idea. It was not me who neglected to have a spare set of clothes for her now very wet toddler. Not Me!

It most definitely was not me who, while garage-sale shopping, got completely consumed with moving on to the "next house" was casually and carefully considering the next bargain and began driving down the street while her son sat contentedly in his carseat--unbuckled! I most definitely was not that mother. It was also not me who laughed hysterically when he discovered he wasn't buckled and found it a great a opportunity to inspect everything in the back seat including the opening to the trunk. It's a good thing that whoever this was lives in a very small town and during the community garage sale event there are often garage sales at every 3rd or 4th house. Not Me! Never!

After waiting in Nana's favorite restaurant for nearly an hour before being seated a table was finally cleaned and available. It really couldn't have been me who thought going to Red Lobster on Mother's Day without reservations was a good idea especially not with a 2-year-old. Likewise it was not me who, after her toddler son had lost all patience with waiting, opened a packet of sugar (yes...sugar!) and poured the entire contents onto one of the cardboard coasters in front of her son. surely was not me who showed this toddler how to lick his finger, put it in the sugar and lick it clean again. Oh! Not me! That's insanity!

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