Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lots of Lasts

Lots of lasts are heading my way...all in one day.


June 25, 2010...

is the last day...

for this pregnancy.
It's the last day I'll ever be pregnant.
The last day to be big and round.
The last day to ever experience rib crushing and bladder boxing.
The last day to ever feel a baby move inside me.
The last day to anxiously anticipate the birth of a child.
The last day to feel my baby with hiccups.
The last day knowing that I'm intimately involved with the miracle of life growing inside of me.
The last day I'll ever be pregnant.

The last day to worry about a pregnancy.
The last day to waddle.
The last day to experience pregnancy heartburn.
The last day for swelling feet related to pregnancy.
The last day for all the pregnancy discomforts.
The last day to worry about my unborn child.

The last day we'll be a family of 3.
The last day I'll be a mother parenting an only child.
The last day for Ryan to be "the baby".
The last day we'll be a family of 3.

The last day of this very long journey...
the start of very exciting new one!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

That's so GREAT!!!!