Monday, June 14, 2010

Post-Bedrest Day 3

Being off bedrest is great!!! Awww...freedom.

Saturday was my first day off bedrest. I woke up excited. Almost like that excitement you get the night before can't sleep because you know something big is about to happen in the morning. Silly...I know.

I started off the morning feeling pretty good and Ryan and I loaded up in the car and drove to town to see Daddy at his work. After that we went to the post office. When it came time to go to the bank I gave Ryan the choice of driving through the drive-thru or going inside. His drive-thru choice was very much welcomed. The extra activity, albeit quite minimal was already enough to wear out this over-sized, under-exercised Momma. I called a friend and she invited us to join her for a cup of coffee, so Ryan and I went to Jackie's house and I sipped on a little bit of coffee and visited while Ryan ran around with the kids and puppies. It was wonderful. We went home just before noon and met my mom and Donnie for the delivery of our new recliner/rocker. We ate a small lunch as soon as Daddy arrived. The afternoon was filled with naps and a whole lot of aches and pains. Ugh! I'm such a go-getter/doer kind of person that just sitting around is awfully difficult for me for very long when I actually have the freedom to be up and moving. My mind said "do", but my body said "absolutely not!"

After spending the afternoon resting we decided to go out for a celebratory dinner in Guthrie...Chinese buffet! We made a quick Wal-Mart run afterward but I rode in the wheelchair. Day 1 ended and I went to bed with contractions 10 minutes apart. They settled down as soon as I dozed off.

Day 2...
I really figured that Sunday morning I'd wake up feeling beaten and bruised. Quite to my surprise I woke up feeling quite well and the aches and soreness had gone away. I spent the day sorting through clothes, packing the hospital bags, installing Evan's carseat, sorting through a few paper-stacks, and, of course, playing with Ryan.
It was a good day. A little more low-key than the previous, but productive and enjoyable. Day 2 ended with contractions 10 minutes apart some of which were quite uncomfortable. Once again they were relieved with the onset of sleep however I was awoken by several throughout the night.

Day 3...
Today I woke up with even more energy and more strength. It's all coming back! WooHoo! Despite the fact that I'm ready to have our little Evan here with us I'm grateful for this time I'm getting. Time to spend with Ryan. Time to build up a little strength. Today was the first day that I was once again solely responsible for Ryan. I was a little be honest. Our day started with plans to spend some time at Nana's in the morning and come home for afternoon nap, but the rain changed our plans. Toad-strangling rains flooded (literally) OKC and some of the surrounding areas. We weren't hit too hard, but Daddy had to take the car to work which left us without for a few hours until the rains passed and Nana could come get us. We spent a couple hours at Nana's this morning and kept the plan to return home for an afternoon nap. I spent much of the afternoon working on stuff for work...ironing out what has brought about an early start and extended maternity leave (more on that story later). Besides work stuff and taking care of Ryan today I did some dishes and worked on cleaning the kitchen, did a load of laundry, played outside with Ryan, and gave Ryan part of his bath (I relinquished that task back to Daddy after discovering I can't reach around my own belly while sitting on the side of the tub and wash a squirmy kid.) Tonight I'm going to bed very grateful that today wasn't "the day" because the flooding has blocked all routes to the hospital. And although I'd like to think I'm strong...I'm not ready to birth this kid at home! Ummm...can we say epidural please?! I'm also going to bed without regular contractions.

Good Night All!

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