Friday, June 4, 2010

OB Appointment

I had an OB appointment today...the first one since I've been home from the hospital. We left around 10 this morning for a 11:15 appointment. Despite our early arrival it was close to noon before we were called out of the waiting room. Ugh! I forgot what it can sometimes be like going to the doctor and waiting...and waiting...and waiting. With a getting-more-tired-by-the-minute 3-year-old.

The appointment was short and sweet...weight check, urine analysis, blood pressure check, belly measurement, fetal heart tones, and any q&a's. Everything checked out just fine. Baby's heart rate in the 140's (Ryan said he sounded like a puppy panting), belly measurement normal, blood pressure 108/62, urine ok, weight...yeah right like I'm going to disclose that. I can say that I've only gained 17 pounds for this pregnancy which is pretty amazing considering I've been bedrest for almost 6 months.

As for Q&A's:

The cerclage removal decision has been left to my wishes. He seems to want to leave it in until I deliver but is willing to remove it at 37 weeks. He indicated that I could make the final call. I'll have to think about it.

I guess that was the big question today because I can't think of anything else we discussed.

It was a bit of an odd appointment in some ways. He asked me if I'd done anything fun yet and if I'd gained any strength back. Both of these would take more activity than strict bedrest would allow, so I got the impression that laying flat on my back for the biggest part of the day wasn't exactly what was expected of me upon hospital discharge. Oh surely didn't hurt anything. However with that in mind I *don't* plan to spend the next week laying flat but I definitely don't plan to do too much. I'll probably spend these last 7 days of bedrest reclined in the recliner or by the little swimming pool enjoying my family. If I'm already up I'll probably fill my own water cup but I'll continue to accept/request for most things to be brought to me so I'm not on my feet too much. I'd feel so guilty if I cheated this last week of bedrest and something happened.

It's so exciting to think of only having 7 days left of bedrest. After these last 7 days...all bets are off...I'm up! Of course in my mind I have fantastic ideas of all the things I want to do, but in reality I'll be limited by lack of energy and strength. Just the short walk from the car to the doctor's office and back followed by the short walk from the parking lot to and from the Target was enough to make my body feel like I'd been beaten up and run over...super sore and super tired. Oh yeah...I asked the doc if he thought it'd be okay to go shopping a little as long as I stayed in a wheelchair and he was strongly supportive of the me the okay, so we went to Target and got a few stuff mostly. :)

So that was our day.

I know I promised some pictures, but I just haven't been taking any lately. That will soon change. I was planning on having Wade take a picture of me for the post because, for the first time in months, I was all dressed fixed, makeup on and feeling beautiful. Unfortunately that idea was quickly washed away with a little help from the water hose and a very ornery little boy named Ryan who thinks it's hilarious to spray his Momma with the water hose. I got drenched, my nice clothes soaked and my nice straight hair turned into one big ball of frizz. Fun times! Fun times!

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