Tuesday, March 29, 2011

9 Months

I can't believe I'm getting ready to write this...

Evan is now 9 MONTHS OLD!

Ugh...how time flies. With all that has been going on around here I really can't remember what I've talked about on here and what I haven't. So...here's the highlights about my dear sweet Evan.

  • He has 2 teeth on the bottom and he's getting another...his top canine of all things. Usually it goes in the order of bottom front - top front. Hmmmm.
  • He is walking quite well while holding on to the furniture. He has even started holding on to the walls and the back of the couch. That's quite a site to see.
  • He army crawls and is quick when he is motivated by something like a piece of paper or a toy that his brother has, but he would rather forget the crawling and get on with the walking.
  • He eats great! He is now eating most fruits and vegetables. I've only introduced turkey and chicken for the meats but sometimes I'll add beans to a puree for a little extra protein. I've been given the okay to start egg yolks so that is the next protein I'll add. He loves to eat anything we are eating. He eats quite a few finger foods too...cheerios, infant snacks, crackers, cheetohs, green beans, etc. Today he snatched a muffin from a grocery sack and proceeded to scarf it down before I could do anything more than pull the paper out of his mouth.
  • At his WCC his weight was 19lb7oz (30%), head circumference was 18 1/4" (85%), and length was 27 1/8" (15%). So basically he's short, stalky with a big head!
  • He is very, very vocal and although he doesn't have any "words" yet he "talks" a lot. He grunts when he wants more. He yells when we walk into a new place as if to say "hi I'm here". He also yells to "talk" to us when he's in a room by himself.
  • He is already showing pretty intense separation anxiety which according to the doctor is something that only begins at 9 months at the earliest. She said it will probably last until his 1st birthday but can last a month or 2 beyond.
  • He has the most precious smile ever!
  • Your shirt still looks good. (This was after he just finished wiping his greasy, buttery hands all down my front.)
  • Momma, when I'm really bigger I can drive you to the doctor. (Such a sweet...sad truth. I just hope he remembers this when I actually do need him to drive me to the doctor.)
  • Baby brother needs to be quiet. He's waking me up and I need a nap! (Oh really?!?)
  • Maybe tomorrow at 16 o'clock. (hehehe)
  • Now you have to get a spankin' 'cause I told you the other day not to eat poprcorn until you eat real food. (Real food is synonymous with healthy food around here and on this occasion Ryan was wanting popcorn before dinner. After being told he couldn't have any until after he ate "real food" he told this to Evan when the innocent little guy was running into the popcorn tin with his walker.)
  • Now you have to get a spankin' 'cause I told you baby brother is crying. (On this particular occasion Ryan came up to me and swatted me on the behind because Evan was crying and apparently it offended him.)
  • I want to tickle the fishies. (Let's not.)
  • You can't eat fish out of the water. It has too much dirt and grass and sticks and leaves. (I fixed fish tonight and because the kid knows that fish live in the lake and fishsticks out of the bag are our usual "fish" he reasoned that fish that comes out of that dirty lake surely can't be eaten.)
  • I lub that pink house. Maybe someday I can lib there. (He saw a pink house while we were driving out of Guthrie. He still really, really, really likes pink so someday he hopes to live in that pink house.)

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