Thursday, February 18, 2010

Very Random Thoughts (Very)

I'm watching the Olympics, so we'll see how "put together" this post ends up being...

Things are going well. Nothing much has changed around here. I have another appointment with my OB tomorrow. I've started on a pretty comfortable schedule for doctor's appointments. I'm seeing my OB every 4 weeks and the Perinatologist every 2 weeks. My OB appointments are pretty general--blood pressure checks, urine checks, the occasional blood level check. The appointments with the Perinatologist involve cervical checks and more ultrasounds!

After my last visit with the Peri. I was so excited about the lack of change in my cervix that I've loosened up a little...breathed a sigh of relief...and have probably started doing more than I need to be doing. Technically I'm still on "modified" bedrest and I'm not doing much, but prior to last weeks doctor's appointment I was laying around most of the day and letting/requesting everyone else take care of all of life's details. "Daddy, Ryan needs googin'", "Daddy, Ryan needs a new nappy", "Nana, would you mind...", "Nana, could you...". You get the point. Lately I've been doing more of the little things (probably so I don't have to ask so much because you know me...I hate to ask for anything) like getting Ryan's googin', running bath water at night, starting the washing machine in the morning, etc. I'm also sitting up more and laying down less. I'm hoping these minor changes in lifestyle aren't negatively affecting my cervical length and strength especially since I don't have much room for change.

Ryan has been extra needy lately...especially at night. I'm fairly certain his increased neediness is related to the lack of "normal" around here and possibly some developmental changes. He is handling things like a trooper. I'm very proud of him. I will admit, however, that I am beginning to agree with the whole "3 is the new 2" thing and I'm amazed how many mom's have verified my feelings. Ryan has definitely had a change in attitude and boundary-pushing lately. We flew through the 2's without anything "terrible", but 3...well 3 has been a different story already. I'm hoping that some of his acting out is not just the new him, but rather a little bit of backlash from the life changes around here. The blessing in all this is that his Nana has started to see the need for boundaries, limits and discipline afterall he's not so innocent and sweet.

Ryan's extra neediness and "3-ness" concerns me greatly when it comes to thinking about the possibility of hospital bedrest. No one has mentioned hospital bedrest, but I continue to mentally prepare for the possibility. I most definitely wouldn't be surprised by it. I just desperately hope and pray that I can stay out of that hospital until maybe the last few weeks. Please pray with me. Ryan will adjust. We all will if/when it happens, but the adjustment will be HUGE for my little man.

Baby Elmo is an active little guy. Very active! He has started to get pretty rambunctious in his movements and occasionally his kicks give me a start. My uterus seems either extra sensitive or somewhat irritable and when he balls up on one side or another it is often quite painful. I can tell it's not a contraction when it happens because half of my uterus is soft but there will be a nice little ball of baby on the side causing the pain. Ornery little feller. By the way...he still doesn't have a name.

I'm still having a few contractions from time to time, but they seem to be less now that I've started on the weekly P17 shots. The P17 shots are shown to help prevent preterm labor. They're thick and painful, but worth it. The big thing I've noticed this time is the extreme fatigue they cause for a few days afterward. I'm absolutely useless for a few days.

Now for a little whining. I'll try to keep it short. I have so much for which to be thankful. Okay so I really only have one thing to whine about this evening. Bedrest restrictions mean activity restrictions. Lack of activity means lack of muscle movement, so lack of tone, lack of strength. My back and hips are especially feeling weak and sore. Okay...speaking of sore...I'll whine about one more thing. Round ligament pain is not so enjoyable. is good. I'm so happy to be 19 weeks pregnant with a healthy little boy and we're having no problems with this pregnancy. I've already been on bedrest for 6 weeks and it really doesn't seem like it's been that long. I only have 17 more weeks to get to my main goal and 18 weeks to make it to my ultimate goal, full term. I have a wonderful, happy, strong-willed 3-year-old who still loves to love on his Mommy and is starting to love on Baby Elmo (my tummy) too. What more could I ask for?

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Oh,I hear you on the boundry seemed like right after August turned 3 he went crazy...I wondered were my sweet boy went?! August will be 4 next month so I'll let you know how 4 is hehe!! :) Well hopefully he'll adjust..I'll keep praying for NO HOSPITAL for you!!! grow baby guy grow...