Well, they are in desperate need of prayer. Connor and Macy have been struggling with bowel issues for many weeks now. Connor, in particular, has had unstoppable, diarrhea to the point he has actually started losing weight. This is a BIG deal...a serious deal. He has recently started vomiting, too. Macy has had diarrhea also, but not to the extent of her brother. However, she is not growing as well as she should. She is almost 15 months old and is still wearing size 3-months clothes. They are both beginning to dislike eating which is NOT a good thing, especially with a preemie. The doctors are testing them for everything from celiac disease to whatever else they can come up with. Please, please, please pray with us for these two precious cuties and their family. Their mom is exhausted, worried, and worn down. She is truely a great friend of mine. My heart is breaking for them right now. Please pray. Please get on your knees right now and beg our Father, the Great Healer, to heal Connor and Macy.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Prayer Request
Well, they are in desperate need of prayer. Connor and Macy have been struggling with bowel issues for many weeks now. Connor, in particular, has had unstoppable, diarrhea to the point he has actually started losing weight. This is a BIG deal...a serious deal. He has recently started vomiting, too. Macy has had diarrhea also, but not to the extent of her brother. However, she is not growing as well as she should. She is almost 15 months old and is still wearing size 3-months clothes. They are both beginning to dislike eating which is NOT a good thing, especially with a preemie. The doctors are testing them for everything from celiac disease to whatever else they can come up with. Please, please, please pray with us for these two precious cuties and their family. Their mom is exhausted, worried, and worn down. She is truely a great friend of mine. My heart is breaking for them right now. Please pray. Please get on your knees right now and beg our Father, the Great Healer, to heal Connor and Macy.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
We're Having a Blast!
We recieved a package today via UPS. It was coffee beans. Wade and I have a special tradition of drinking a cup or two of flavored decaf coffee. We've found it cheaper to buy in bulk. I brought the box in off the front porch, laying it by the front door. When I turned around this is what I saw.
Here are the new additions to the family. Nana and Papa brought Ryan 2 Goldfish and 2 Plecos (algae eaters, aka Tank Suckers). Unforunately we've already had one tragedy. The smallest Tank Sucker (that's my term by the way) wasn't able to make the transition. The other 3 are doing well. I'm amazed at how animals and even fish can have such unique personalities. Needless to say, it's been fun watching the fish. Ryan has been enjoying them too.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Guess What's New
I remember as a kid having a fish tank. I enjoyed it and have always found fish tanks, the sites and sounds, to be very relaxing. I could spend hours staring at a fish tank with delicate music playing softly in the background.
The first time I took Ryan to the zoo his favorite place was the aquarium. He seemed mesmerized by the fish. I decided then that I wanted to have a fish tank at home. Ryan's Mimi's Mom lovingly gave us her fish tank. She was finished with it and was wanting it gone. I mentioned we were looking for one, and now we have one. It's just the right size, 20 gallons. It's not too small and not too large.
Ryan and I went to the pet store today and bought the gravel, filtration system and aerator. I'm still researching what fish we should have. I know, I know...I'm probably putting way to much thought into this fish tank. I want it to be fun for everyone, and I want it to be relatively easy since it's the first fish tank I've had in a number of years.
We came home with our new treasures and I began to "assemble" our aquatic environment for our soon to be adopted fish. It took me ALL afternoon, but I had a little two foot helper that insisted on taking the hose, chewing on the cords, grabbing everything. Amidst several crashes, a few crying spells, and many "please hold me for minute" moments we finally were able to get everything hooked up and running. I think it looks great! What do you think? The only thing we need now are some fish!
Speaking of crashes...
Ryan had his first major, bloody crash yesterday. We were over at Nana's (my mom) house. Poor Nana, she's beginning to think that everytime we come over Ryan has a catastrophic event. Anyway...he fell, HARD, and hit is mouth. I thought he had hit his head and quickly picked him up from the wailing heep into which he had fallen. I was looking the back of his head over when someone said, "he's bleeding!" I panicked! I looked, and then I saw it...blood was pouring out of his mouth. We rushed to the kitchen and grabbed some water, an ice cube and a cloth. After further inspection I saw that Ryan had a tiny (minute, really) cut on the corner of his upper lip. Boy! did it bleed though. [Mimi...If you're reading this...I thought of you!]
Ryan has not acted like he is feeling just great for a few days now. I think it's teething. I hope it's just teething. He has a horrible diaper rash that I've been struggling to keep under control. It looks like it's healing, but the next time I change him it's red and raw again. Ugh. He's been having "not diarrhea but not far from it" stools lately. I don't know. I had an "oh no!" moment today. I was preparing to change yet another poopy diaper when I noticed that the contents were black. Black stools mean blood. Black means bleeding higher up in the digestive system, red is lower. Alarmed, I decided before calling the doctor I would do a little internet research. It was then that I remembered...YESTERDAY...Ryan's crash! I expect the black is from the blood swallowed during that episode. I'll keep an eye on it though. If it continues I'll call the doctor tomorrow.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Mushabelly Playtime
They're big and squishy and if you squeeze them tight enough the sound emitted is reminiscent of a whoopy cushion. What boy wouldn't like that sound, right?! Because they are so bulky he struggled to get them to the living room. He couldn't quite get them situated well enough without causing him to trip over one while dragging the other or causing him to loose his balance altogether. I guess it didn't help that he was sleepy on top of it all. Ryan falls A LOT when he is sleepy.
Just in case you're wondering how well Ryan can clean an ear of corn...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What a Messy Face
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Corn on the Cob
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Grass Is Always Greener....
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Week Recap, Continued (Finally!)
And that pretty much sums up our week.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Urgent Prayer Request
Tricia, Gwyneth, and Nate
Week Recap and a little bit of a Father's Day Tribute
So to recap what has been going on this week....
Monday we played in the mud puddles. It made me think of my Grandpa Cassiday. He used to always tell me, "don't get stuck in the muddy holes". I loved my Grandpa. He was a great man. He and I spent hours sitting in his (ugly) brown chair reading the newspaper. Actually it was the Funny Paper. He always read the comics to me. His favorite was Blondie. As I sit and think here are some other things that remind me of Grandpa:
- Drawing farm animals. He always drew farm animals for me while we sat in that brown chair.
- Overalls. Whenever he would come home from his chores he would always clean up, change out of his dirty overalls and put on what else...clean overalls!
- Zest soap. Grandpa always washed up with Zest soap. He smelled so good. Now when I smell that soap I always think of Grandpa.
- Dirty boots. He always took off his dirty boots at the door and put them on newspaper.
- Counting cows. For those farm folk out there you'll appreciate (and understand) this. He and I would count cows. I, of course, would help. :) He always called the cattle in with this call, "siii-cooow, siii-cow, siii-cow", and for the calves it was, "siii-calf, siii-calf, siii-calf". (To fully appreciate those words you must pronounce them with a long drawl and the siii is with a short vowel i sound. )
- Spearment gum. He always had a pack stored in his front overall pocket. Sometimes he would switch it up and have a pack of Juicy Fruit gum.
- Swimming in the wheat truck. My brother and I used to swim in the wheat while waiting for the combine to return with a full load. Grandpa always drove the small black wheat truck and I loved riding with him in that truck. It was your typical OLD wheat truck that barely made it up the hills when carrying a full load. My favorite part about that truck was when you got to the elevator to dump the wheat the entire truck had to be lifted up and tilted because the bin didn't elevate independently of the truck. Occasionally Grandpa and I stayed in the truck. It was so cool to be in the truck as they lifted it up off the ground.
- Scraps. Grandma always kept all the edible kitchen scraps in a can and Grandpa always took those scraps to the barn cats.
- Counting sommersaults. I turned several hundred sommersaults around my grandparents living room. Grandpa counted them all.
To Be Continued....
Monday, June 9, 2008
Oklahoma Weather
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Birthday Party Fun!!!
Thank you again. We love you all!!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Still A Fan...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I don't have a wire rack for cooling my baked goods, so I have a creatively engineered cooling rack. Our bar stool/chair makes a great cooling rack. Unfortunately it is just the right height for my cute little thief...
Something new with Ryan...
He's started picking things up and carrying them around. He loves to pick up large bulky objects...objects that are almost as big as he is. He gets so excited and squeals in delight. I think he's proud that he's such a big, strong boy!