Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This picture was taken a few days ago, but I thought I'd share it. It's one of those "that's sweet" pictures.
I woke up motivated today, and if there's anything I've learned in the 2? years I've been blessed with life is that when motivation hits you, you better take advantage of it. For some reason I woke up motivated to clean the house. I usually keep a fairly tidy house although not spotless. I detest clutter and disorganization. It started innocently a little vacuuming and then mop the kitchen and dining room floors. This needed to be done anyway, with or without motivation behind me. I ended up not only vacuuming, but I also ran the carpet cleaner. My husband came home and said I'd been "Hoovering and Bisseling". The house is much cleaner and smells nice, too. I wish there was some way to keep a house looking, feeling, and smelling freshly cleaned. Do you remember the Zest commercials..."you're not fully clean unless you're ZEST fully clean!" I wish my house had that Zest-fully clean feel all the time.
Ryan and I spent some time outside today. We even got in the swimming pool. The first day he went swimming he was a little scared and clung to me tightly. Today he thought the swimming pool was actually an okay place to be. He floated in his floaty, kicking his legs to motivate and waving his arm to create some waves. His favorite part of swimming...GETTING OUT AND GETTING DIRTY! Our backyard has several bare spots where nothing is growing. The only thing present is dirt. Ryan loves the bare spots and he seems to like them best when he's wet. Do you know what wet baby and dry dirt equal : Hmmmm. Mud! I get such a kick out of watching him. I was going somewhere with that thought and now I must return to the original thought of this post, my clean house. Coming in from swimming carrying a muddy baby and walking through the dirt and grass means that now I need to sweep the floors again. Alas, the clean house lasted all of about 3 hours, but boy is it worth it all!

1 comment:

The Phamily Matriarch said...

Send some of that motivation my way, will ya? I have been in a funk for the last month now. I can't seem to be motivated to do anything. Thank goodness my hubby is so great at cooking and cleaning. LOL

Cute picture. Your little thief is quite the cutie.
