Friday, July 10, 2009

Just In Case You Wanted to Know

I've been gone most of the day, but in the hour upon returning home (around 7pm) here is what I've done:

Myndi peed on the floor (yes puppy potty training takes work)

I cleaned up the mess

I started filling the little blue swimming pool for the dogs

I unloaded the car

I turned off the water to the now overflowing swimming pool

I started the bath water for Ryan

I took Myndi outside since she was standing at the door (at least that's a start)

Myndi pooped outside

Lizzy showed up carrying Ryan outside (Don't worry Ryan is pretty much safe in our house, so I can go out and leave him in for short spurts)

I ran back inside to turn off the bath water

Lizzy already turned it off when she came in

The bathtub looked like the swimming pool--much too full

Put Ryan in the tub

Said good-bye to Lizzy

Gathered Ryan's bath items

Turned around and noticed that Ryan had pooped in the tub

Took Ryan out of the tub and put on his diaper

Myndi was at the door again

Ryan and I took Myndi outside

While waiting for Myndi Ryan stomped in the mud he created this morning with the hose

Took Ryan and Myndi inside, cleaned off Ryan's feet and put on his pjs

Put Ryan to bed

Answered the phone

Took Myndi outside again (I think she goes to the door to go outside thinking there might be a treat flash...I want some goods on the ground before treats in her mouth)

Hung up the phone when Ryan started crying

Comforted Ryan

Cleaned tomato off the carpet after Myndi found a cherry tomato (*somewhere* in the house) and used it as a chew toy/ball

Moved clothes around since I've been negligent of laundry duties this week

Played with Myndi for a while since I've been gone most of the day in hopes she'll sleep well tonight

Cleaned poop out of bathtub

Ate a little orange sherbet


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