Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Grass Is Always Greener....

Why is it such a part of life to live with that "grass is always greener on the other side" mentality. As I was trying to think of a good caption for the pictures today the green grass and the fence reminded me of that. I'm amazed at times of just how much we allow discontentment to be a part of our lives. Today's society is all about getting more...more money, more prestige, more cars, more gas, more promotions, more everything, more for me! This brings me to a knew question to contemplate: How do I go about guarding my son from this? How do I teach him to have a heart of thanksgiving and a spirit of contentment?
I believe it starts with me. I need to live daily with a heart of thanksgiving and a spirit of contentment. "Lord, please help me to always be thankful. May I live completely content in You." God is so good. I have so much to be thankful for. He has blessed me more than I could have ever asked.

Ryan has started stomping on things. Today he stomped in a mud puddle. Anything that it different...different texture, different color, different sound...he likes to stomp on. It's cute. Today we had an exciting first. He danced for the first time. Of course I tried to get it on video, but he stopped as soon as I got the camera up and running. Maybe next time.

1 comment:

twin power mommy ♥ said...

I am always trying to instill that spirit of thankfulness in my kids. It's hard...
They'll give me attitude about having to have PB&J again for lunch, but i tell them that they should be happy we have PB&J and it's not scraps from outside...i try to stress that we eat simple at lunch to save money and that way mommy can stay home with them...

they don't quite get it most days.

I don't know if this is something they'll understand years from now, or am i missing something entirely with the teaching.
like you said, perhaps I need to be more openly thankful for things so they can hear it from me.
great pics of your little guy