The highlight of last week (or at least what I remember tonight at 9:00) was on Thursday when I had a radio interview with KTOK and KXY. I had to arrive at the studio at 6:45 a.m. You know...that's before the rooster gets up! I usually take Ryan with me to all of the March of Dimes events unless it is not appropriate. I felt this was one of those "not appropriate times", so Ryan stayed with Daddy and Nana until I got home. I could just picture it...Sweet little two year old...cranky because he had to wake up 3 hours earlier than normal...wanting to run around...pulling on microphones...unplugging cords...the station goes dead...all because a 2-year-old somehow found, and unplugged the main power supply. Ohhhh that thought scares me. I have to stop with my imaginary travels now. Anyway...Courtney (March of Dimes) and I were interviewed by two different stations regarding the March of Dimes and March for Babies. I got to talk about Ryan and our story with each interview, which, as you know I can't think of very many things better to talk about. I have a copy of the KTOK interview that I would love to post on the blog, but I can't figure out how to post a single Mp3. Does anyone know how to do that?
On Monday of this week I presented our story to the elementary and middle-school kids at our local school. I love talking to the kids. Ryan ran around the entire time. A funny story: I was presenting Ryan's story while he was running around. He found a little girl that, for some reason, he took a liking too. He promptly turned around and sat in her lap like he belonged and began to just listen. The little girl didn't know what to think about that, but her teacher reassured her that he would get up in just a minute. She kept saying she didn't want him in her lap, so some of the other kids nearby starting saying they wanted him to sit in their laps. (The little girl was in the 4-year-old class). Ryan doesn't know a stranger and has this incredible ability to love all people and enjoy all people. He repeated this scenario when the middle-school classes entered the gym for the presentations. He found someone and immediately became their friend and lap buddy.
Monday evening my brother and I went to the March of Dimes Sports Headliner Banquet. It was amazing! And by far the fanciest place/event I've ever been ties, formal dresses, steak dinner and wine. Oh my! It was an incredible experience. Sports heroes such as Sam Bradford (OU quaterback, Heismann trophy winner), Jonathan Horton (Olympic silver and bronze medalist), Courtney Paris (OU basketball), Anthony Kim (golf), Matt Fodge (OSU punter), and others were in attendance and were presented awards and recognition. I think may favorite was when the Empire Elite Cheerleading Squad was recognized and awarded. It is a cheerleading squad of children with handicaps, neurological or physical, and many of them were preemies. This is one of the March of Dimes big fundraising events. I don't know how much money was raised, but it would be interesting to find out.
Tuesday...we stayed home....awww...breathe.
Wednesday was the March of Dimes Lobby Day at the the State Capitol.
On Thursday morning Ryan and I went to a breakfast at the Renaissance Women's Hospital. They are one of the presenting sponsors for the March for Babies this year. Basically that means they are one of the top-dollar contributors. The National Ambassador family was also at the breakfast. Kaitlyn and Ryan became instant friends.
After breakfast Ryan and I went to visit Rebecca in the hospital and her Ryan was there too. Our two Ryans played together nicely at the hospital although my Ryan was so crazy and wild that Rebecca and I didn't get to visit that much. Rebecca will be 35 weeks pregnant on Monday and her doctor has said he will induce/c-sect. at week 36. She's just about to make it! Hooray for Rebecca!
After our visit to the hospital Ryan and I went to lunch with the March of Dimes staff and the National Ambassador family. I was able to sit down with the family and really listen to their story and get to know them a little more personally. I just love their little girl. I wish we lived closer together. We could be really good friends. The National Ambassador family flew out of Oklahoma that evening.
Like I said this week has been really busy. Our busy days seem to be coming to an end though. Thursday was our last scheduled event with the March of Dimes. Our last big event is the March for Babies walk on May 2nd. Congratulations to our team...we've already raised $4,717. That's amazing!! Good job team!
Julie, you make us as "Crescent-ites" and Oklahomans proud that you are our ambassadors. Aside from Ryan's wonderful story, you all are a wonderful family. I don't know how they could ever choose just one family for each state, or how they ever came across you all, but I'm sure they are just as pleased as the rest of us. Way to go!
High Five!!!
Thumbs UP!!!
Good Job!!!
Ata Boy, Ata Girl!!!
Way to Go!!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!
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