Saturday, April 11, 2009


I'm playing a little catch-up with the blog.

Last weekend Ryan, Nana, and I met Lizzy and Bradford at the zoo. We had a great time. The zoo is a having a limited-time-only Dinosaur Exhibit...complete with life-size dinosaurs that move and make sounds. I typically don't like dinosaur exhibits, not because I dis-like or dis-believe in dinosaurs, but most of the time exhibits like these end up being nothing more than an evolution-pushing-"educational" (dumbing-down) event. However, when you have a toddler there is no such thing as reading any "educational" plague anywhere...whether it be about the zebras or the dinosaurs.
Aunt Lizzy and her boyfriend, Bradford. Bradford discovered that going to the zoo with a two-year-old is an entirely new experience. He is one of those guys who will stop to read every single plague in its entirety. Ummm....not with a two-year-old!
Ryan loved the dinosaurs. He was absolutely fascinated by them. It was pretty neat to see. The entire day at the zoo was spent running with little time spent studying any one animal or thing. That is...until we got the dinosaurs. Ryan was just in awe of the huge, majestic creatures. I must admit that they were pretty awesome. I can't imagine what it would have been like to actually walk the earth with these creatures. Wow!
Ryan loved the tricerotops so much that he fed the beast. He took handfuls of his cereal and tossed it to Mr. Tricerotops for his mid-afternoon snack. (Don't worry I picked up all the cereal pieces before we left.) The zoo personnell thought was very funny though.
Ryan could have fit in the mouth of this giant.

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