Monday, January 26, 2009

March for Babies

It's that time of year again!

Please help us raise money for the March of Dimes. Through support from all of us we can help more miracles like Ryan survive! We know many, many babies who have been born early. Some have lived and unfortunately some have died. Please help us make a difference! You can donate by clicking on March for Babies on the sidebar.

Also...we would love, love, love for you to join our team. Last year we really had fun at the walk (other than it was a little chilly). For those of you worried about the amount of walking involved, we walked the short walk (one time around the city block). It was so short we almost decided to walk another round, so NO EXCUSES! For the brave souls there is also a 5.5 mile walk in the beautiful parts of downtown OKC. Half of our team walked the long walk last year and they said it was great fun! Please join us. It's a fantastic way to get to know people and see all the miracles God has given to these beautiful families. It is truly a testimony of God's great love to see so many babies who "shouldn't be here" by the world's standard alive and well on the day of the walk. I feel like the March of Dimes is one tool God uses to equip our medical professionals for saving the lives of babies born too early or born with birth defects.

Our team name: Miracles of Mercy
Our team members so far: Wade, Julie, Ryan, Brian, Janelle, Connor and Macy
Our team goal: $1000

Last year we raised well over $1000 and were awarded several awards for the family team raising the most money. That's an awesome accomplishment! I'm not into awards. If we were to win no awards it doesn't matter to me one bit. All I want to be able to say is that "we made a difference!"

The Walk is May 2, 2009 at the Myriad Gardens.

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