Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Back to the Doctor
He has been playing today though which I love to see. He hasn't been himself since Saturday, and it breaks my heart. I'm ready for him to be that sweet, spunky, ornery, mischevious, big-grinned, giggly little boy again.
On a very happy note though, the doctor said that he would be well past the time of being contagious by this Saturday. Yeah! This means that if he doesn't catch anything else between now and then and he doesn't seem to feel bad on Saturday morning we get to go the Walk...both of us! Please continue to pray for his healing. I really want him to be super-well by Saturday.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Little Tiny Beauty
Ryan still isn't feeling quite up to par, but he is doing better. Thanks for the prayers. Please continue to pray that he is totally well by this weekend. I sure would like to be able to take him to the March for Babies walk this year. It just wouldn't feel right to be walking in honor of and for preemies without my little preemie walking too.
I’ve been blessed, and I’ve been tagged. Ann Marie tagged me last Saturday. Here are the rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you
- Post the rules on your blog
- Write six random things about yourself
- Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
- Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog
- Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are six things about me:
- I firmly believe in that mother’s intuition thing. I think it is a gift from God to help mother’s take care of their children. Although I firmly believe in it, it has taken a while for me to learn to listen to it and then act. A couple of examples (These aren’t exactly happy examples. Like I said…I’m a slow learner.): When Brandy was being wheeled back to the ICU something inside me told me not to leave her side. I did…she crashed. The night I went to the hospital with my “Peanut” pregnancy I knew something was very wrong. A nurse checked me and said she couldn’t feel my cervix, but said she thought everything was just fine. So I went home. The next morning I experienced some bleeding, called the doctor, was sent to the hospital, had an emergency cerclage. I should have listened to that gut feeling and insisted that either I stay in the hospital overnight or insisted that my doctor come render an opinion. Oh well…no harm done either way.
- I grew up on a farm in Marshall, OK. My family raised cattle and farmed wheat. I love farm life. One of the fondest memories of farm life is feeding baby cows with a bottle and then letting them suck on your finger. Another of my fondest memories was sitting on a blanket under the bed of the wheat truck waiting for the combines to fill the bin enough to take it to the elevator for dumping. We always brought lots of toys and had loads of fun playing as a family. Along those same lines was the joy of “swimming” in the wheat.
- I love to read. I haven’t had much time to read over the past few months, but that’s okay. I’m not a big fan of the self-help type books, but I admit that I’ve read some pretty good life-changing books that I still own and would recommend to anyone. We have started a tradition in our home of reading aloud at night as long as Ryan allows it. Ryan loves books too, but he gets too excited if he sees the book. If he sees the book he beats it and our nightly reading is put on hold. The first book we’ve read and enjoyed as a family was Les Miserables. It took us several months to get through it, but everyone enjoyed it. We are now enjoying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which Ryan has already ripped the cover off.
- I love taking pictures. Someday I would like to take some photography classes through the local CareerTech.
- Wade and I have lived in the same small town of Crescent, OK (I moved here when I was 13) for many years. During the time I was in high school there were numerous times we crossed paths, but we never saw each other. Anytime there was a performance requiring a soundman Wade was that guy, and I was usually one of the performers…band, piano, high school related performances, etc. We never knew each other. We never saw each other until one day the light was turned on, and…there he was…and there I was. We fell in love, got married, and are living happily ever after.
- I love my home. It is a modest-sized home. It required lots of work before we could move in, and over the years we’ve done remodeling projects here and there. I have now had experiences with laying floor tile, laying laminate flooring, ripping up carpet, painting, ripping out showers, doing drywall work, texturing walls, and installing wall tile. Now if I could just convince my husband to allow me to convert the garage into a big playroom/den….
Here are the 6 lucky people I'm tagging: Melissa, Jacyln, Jodi, Donna, Kara, Misty
Monday, April 28, 2008
Quick Update
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Prayer Request, Please.
We have a really busy week this week, and it should be very exciting. Two of the events this week are related to commitments made some time ago. Tuesday is "Bank Day" for the March for Babies" and Saturday is the actual day of the walk. We really need to be at both of these. Please pray that Ryan gets well fast.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ryan is officially walking. You can see it in this video, and this video was even taken last week sometime. He is now a *professional* at the task...carrying things from one room to another and everything. As long as he can get to someplace to pull himself up he will walk everywhere. He even runs from time to time. For the first time today he even walked outside unassisted. Life is so exciting around here.
Friday, April 25, 2008
My Little Potato Eater
A First!
In the 14 or so years I've been cooking I have NEVER ever caught anything on fire in the kitchen. I've burned myself and burned the food, but never have I created an actual fire. I broke my record today. So sad... :( Tonight was "clean out the refrigerator" night, so dinner was a hodge podge of different foods. I was trying to make some brownies while warming up the leftovers. I inadvertently put the brown sugar on the stove with the bag touching a burner. Smoke and flames...Ohhhh...I can't believe I did that.
Stay tuned...I'm hoping to get a video (of Ryan...not the fire) posted this weekend!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Zoo Friends
We had a great time. We didn't stay too very long, but we'll probably go back next week and see some more. My mom bought a zoo pass. If anyone wants to join us we'd be glad to have some company. Ryan's favorites today: the "Caution, wet floor sign", the fan in the pachyderm building, the fish. He was also fairly interested in the big gorilla sitting at the window.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Unload Groceries
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Just Stuff...
"Telling Grampie All About It"
Ryan has learned how to climb. He can't quite get up on the couch by himself, but if ever he has something to stand on he can get his little leg up there and up he goes. Today he climbed up using his mommy as a step (yes I actually helped). He was quite proud of himself and was very excited about all the new-found treasures. I guess it's time for me to clean up a little and put away some of my treasures before they become soggy treasures.
"My First Ear of Corn"
"Clean Cutie"
Growth Spurt
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Toddler Defined
We like to define a toddler as:
- A child who is between the age of 12 months and 48 months old (1 year and 4 years old)
- One who loves to eat [xyz]
food one day and then dislikes that very same [xyz] food the next day - One who requires a lot of clean laundry, tidying-up after, and lots of attention, and constant amusement and stimulation
- One who is methodical and focused in his or her attempts at launching a spoonful of mashed potatoes as easily as a robotic arm assembles a car!
- One who's innocence and wonder inspires us to do better
- One who possesses an abundance of love.
- One who is unconditional in the giving, and delightful in the receiving of that love, along with showering hugs, kisses and smiles to those around him or her;
a true joy and a true blessing to treasure
I love it! I must address points 2 and 4 today. When I first read point 2 I chuckled, but it wasn't a laugh of agreement. It was more of a "yea, okay..." Now I laugh in agreement. Ryan has always loved mashed potatoes, and tonight I put a pile of them on his tray. He stuck his sweet little hand in the potatoes and commenced to look at me like I was crazy. I spooned a little of the potatoes into his mouth of which he gave me on of those "that's the most disgusting thing ever; what do you expect me to do with that?!"
Point 4 is becoming more and more of a normal around our house. The dogs absolutely love his new found excitement in watching his food hit the floor. Along these same lines...Today Ryan was drinking from his bottle. As the contents were near the end Ryan thought nothing of casually pitching it across the room. I guess he was finished. The things he comes up with....
Ryan is such an amazing little guy. I feel tremendously blessed. He delights my heart everyday!
Planting Flowers
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Ryan is doing great. His personality is awesome. I wish everyone could experience his "down-to-the-bone orneriness". He is a hoot! I'll share more about that later. The bed is calling my name, and Ryan is still going ninety miles an hour. Good Night to You All!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Check This Out!
I know this video is rather short. Sometimes my little man is hard to catch on video. If he sees the video camera it's all over. He just wants to eat the camera!
He is walking so well. The farthest he has walked without assistance and without falling is from the chair in the living room to his highchair in the dining room (approx. 15 feet). That's a long way for a little guy.
We've been having a bit of a battle-of-the-wills of sort lately. Come time for bed and our house is not necessarily the most peaceful place. Now don't get me wrong, we have a great, peaceful evening routine that most would assume would lead to a peaceful bedtime. Not so!
Starting at about 7:00 or 7:30 in the evening (sometimes earlier if he's very cranky) Ryan takes a soothing, warm bath. He then gets a massage, or at least a quick rub-down with lotion. Then he gets his clothes on. Then comes the bottle of warm milk, and as he quietly drinks I read him a story (most nights anyway...sometimes books create way too much excitement for him), often he falls asleep eating and I gently take him to his room and lay him peacefully in his crib afterwhich I say a quick prayer over the miracle God has blessed me with. Sounds peaceful doesn't it?
Up until lately I have been able to lay him in his bed and quietly leave the room. He would remain asleep for most of the night without awakening. For several nights now as soon as his sweet little body touched his bed he would come all the way awake and the crying would begin. I would pick him up and rock him...sing to him...and he would fall asleep quickly. The second time down in the crib usually worked. Not lately. For the last 2 nights as soon as he touched the bed the crying commenced. If I picked him up the crying continued. The only remedy...take him back in the living room and allow him to play, but he's so tired that his playing usually led to a bunch of falling down, whining, crying, head bonking, frustration. This just won't work. The boy needs to sleep. His mom needs to sleep! So for the last 2 nights our routine has remained the same and we say our prayers together. He gets to lay in his crib (awake or asleep) and I say goodnite. The crying is heartwrenching. Last night I went to bed feeling like a horrible mother. Tonight was a little easier. The crying didn't last as long. I don't feel as bad, and hopefully he will begin to understand that bedtime is just part of the day...a good part...a peaceful end.
Tomorrow is a new day!
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therfore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-24
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Case of The Missing Shoe
Thursday, April 10, 2008
All Big Boys Need To Brush Their Teeth
Ryan has 3 teeth on top that have just about poked through. I actually saw the edge of one of them this evening. Probably in a couple of days he will have 3 new teeth bringing his count to a grand total of 5!
It's the Real Thing
Monday, April 7, 2008
A Duckie Tale
Some of the geese followed us.
If ever you are in need of a place to go for a family day away this is a great place to go. Lawton has plenty of things to do, but my favorite is always the park.