Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I’ve been blessed, and I’ve been tagged. Ann Marie tagged me last Saturday. Here are the rules:

  • Link to the person who tagged you
  • Post the rules on your blog
  • Write six random things about yourself
  • Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
  • Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog
  • Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Here are six things about me:

  • I firmly believe in that mother’s intuition thing. I think it is a gift from God to help mother’s take care of their children. Although I firmly believe in it, it has taken a while for me to learn to listen to it and then act. A couple of examples (These aren’t exactly happy examples. Like I said…I’m a slow learner.): When Brandy was being wheeled back to the ICU something inside me told me not to leave her side. I did…she crashed. The night I went to the hospital with my “Peanut” pregnancy I knew something was very wrong. A nurse checked me and said she couldn’t feel my cervix, but said she thought everything was just fine. So I went home. The next morning I experienced some bleeding, called the doctor, was sent to the hospital, had an emergency cerclage. I should have listened to that gut feeling and insisted that either I stay in the hospital overnight or insisted that my doctor come render an opinion. Oh well…no harm done either way.
  • I grew up on a farm in Marshall, OK. My family raised cattle and farmed wheat. I love farm life. One of the fondest memories of farm life is feeding baby cows with a bottle and then letting them suck on your finger. Another of my fondest memories was sitting on a blanket under the bed of the wheat truck waiting for the combines to fill the bin enough to take it to the elevator for dumping. We always brought lots of toys and had loads of fun playing as a family. Along those same lines was the joy of “swimming” in the wheat.
  • I love to read. I haven’t had much time to read over the past few months, but that’s okay. I’m not a big fan of the self-help type books, but I admit that I’ve read some pretty good life-changing books that I still own and would recommend to anyone. We have started a tradition in our home of reading aloud at night as long as Ryan allows it. Ryan loves books too, but he gets too excited if he sees the book. If he sees the book he beats it and our nightly reading is put on hold. The first book we’ve read and enjoyed as a family was Les Miserables. It took us several months to get through it, but everyone enjoyed it. We are now enjoying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which Ryan has already ripped the cover off.
  • I love taking pictures. Someday I would like to take some photography classes through the local CareerTech.
  • Wade and I have lived in the same small town of Crescent, OK (I moved here when I was 13) for many years. During the time I was in high school there were numerous times we crossed paths, but we never saw each other. Anytime there was a performance requiring a soundman Wade was that guy, and I was usually one of the performers…band, piano, high school related performances, etc. We never knew each other. We never saw each other until one day the light was turned on, and…there he was…and there I was. We fell in love, got married, and are living happily ever after.
  • I love my home. It is a modest-sized home. It required lots of work before we could move in, and over the years we’ve done remodeling projects here and there. I have now had experiences with laying floor tile, laying laminate flooring, ripping up carpet, painting, ripping out showers, doing drywall work, texturing walls, and installing wall tile. Now if I could just convince my husband to allow me to convert the garage into a big playroom/den….

Here are the 6 lucky people I'm tagging: Melissa, Jacyln, Jodi, Donna, Kara, Misty


Jodi said...

Wow, thanks for tagging me. I felt special. Little Ryan is adorable and I feel blessed to watch him grow. Who knows. . .someday maybe Ryan and Olivia can meet.

The Phamily Matriarch said...

Thanks for tagging me which lead me to Jodi who tagged Angie...come find out that Angie and I Marched together this past Sunday in Houston. How cool is that?
What a small world!

I have you added to my igoogle page and will visit often. Thanks.

Great blog.


Misty said...

I'll certainly play along! It may take me a day or two to get it up though. I'd love to talk "shop" with you sometime.