Saturday, April 12, 2008

Check This Out!

I know this video is rather short. Sometimes my little man is hard to catch on video. If he sees the video camera it's all over. He just wants to eat the camera!

He is walking so well. The farthest he has walked without assistance and without falling is from the chair in the living room to his highchair in the dining room (approx. 15 feet). That's a long way for a little guy.

We've been having a bit of a battle-of-the-wills of sort lately. Come time for bed and our house is not necessarily the most peaceful place. Now don't get me wrong, we have a great, peaceful evening routine that most would assume would lead to a peaceful bedtime. Not so!

Starting at about 7:00 or 7:30 in the evening (sometimes earlier if he's very cranky) Ryan takes a soothing, warm bath. He then gets a massage, or at least a quick rub-down with lotion. Then he gets his clothes on. Then comes the bottle of warm milk, and as he quietly drinks I read him a story (most nights anyway...sometimes books create way too much excitement for him), often he falls asleep eating and I gently take him to his room and lay him peacefully in his crib afterwhich I say a quick prayer over the miracle God has blessed me with. Sounds peaceful doesn't it?

Up until lately I have been able to lay him in his bed and quietly leave the room. He would remain asleep for most of the night without awakening. For several nights now as soon as his sweet little body touched his bed he would come all the way awake and the crying would begin. I would pick him up and rock him...sing to him...and he would fall asleep quickly. The second time down in the crib usually worked. Not lately. For the last 2 nights as soon as he touched the bed the crying commenced. If I picked him up the crying continued. The only remedy...take him back in the living room and allow him to play, but he's so tired that his playing usually led to a bunch of falling down, whining, crying, head bonking, frustration. This just won't work. The boy needs to sleep. His mom needs to sleep! So for the last 2 nights our routine has remained the same and we say our prayers together. He gets to lay in his crib (awake or asleep) and I say goodnite. The crying is heartwrenching. Last night I went to bed feeling like a horrible mother. Tonight was a little easier. The crying didn't last as long. I don't feel as bad, and hopefully he will begin to understand that bedtime is just part of the day...a good part...a peaceful end.

Tomorrow is a new day!

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therfore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-24

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