Monday, November 17, 2008


These are some pictures from Saturday. Ryan's fish tank needed new batteries.

Ryan is pretty sick. He is very congested. I started him on breathing treatments this morning after he spent the biggest part of the night coughing. I thought I had a supply of Albuterol, but was disgusted to find I only had Pulmicort available. I gave him the Pulmicort this morning and called the doctor for a new prescription of Albuterol. I have yet to discover why sometimes it seems as though doctor's offices don't take parents very seriously. (I'm not talking about the doctor. I think Dr. S is fantastic.) I called this morning and began calling the pharmacy at noon to see if it had been faxed. It had not. After a call at 3:30 with no sign of the prescription I called the doctor's office back and explained that we really, really needed that prescription filled as soon as possible. They sent in a "second request". Finally about 4 or 4:30 I got a call from the doctor's nurse saying the prescription had been called in. The pharmacy called a little while later needing the doctor's phone number because there was a mix up on the dosage. I finally picked up the medicine at about 5:30. Ryan sat perfectly still (an amazing thing...really!) for his evening breathing treatment. He even went to sleep before it was over. Sweet little boy.....


Kim said...

Katie had that nasty cough and RSV a couple of weeks ago. She did Albuterol treatments for 2 days, and it really helped. I hope that Ryan feels better soon. I feel so sorry for him. It's no fun to be sick!

Anonymous said...

I will be praying. Dealing with Dr.'s offices sure can be a pain. He looks so cute in those pics!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

There's nothing worse than a baby who can't breathe!

I have asthma (don't know if i've mentioned that before) so i know personally how it feels, and my girls with all their preemie stuff need treatments every so often, too.

I hate when they get sick and their little chests retract and they're so lethargic. Ooooohhhh, don't like one bit!
Praying he'll be better soon.

Keep him medicated mama!